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对于你的粗暴无礼,我再也不能不闻不问了。I can't ignore your rudeness any longer.

他对于一切求助的呼声都不闻不问。He shut his ears to all appeals for help.

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更糟的是,如果我们对这个趋势不闻不问,我们注定是要失败的。Worse, if we accept that trend we’re doomed.

你是否生活奢侈,却对有需要的人不闻不问?Do you live in luxury without caring for the needy?

这些棕色人种对邻居也是不闻不问。People with brown skins are next door to invisible.

印度政府不闻不问的,印度人成为了软柿子。Government should take it hard with the Ukrainian part.

英国太强大,欧盟其他成员国不会将其置于一边不闻不问。Britain is too big to be left alone by the rest of the EU.

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同志们有困难我们不能不闻不问。We can't remain indifferent when any comrade is in difficulty.

他对朋友忠心耿耿,对其他人则不闻不问。He is loyal to his friends and lets everyone else go their way.

假若你拿片树叶在蜘蛛网上晃动,蜘蛛会对此不闻不问,因为树叶是不能像被俘获的昆虫那样蠕动的。Toss a piece of leaf onto a spiderweb. The spider is indifferent.

让他始终感到懊悔的是,他对1994年卢旺达种族屠杀不闻不问。To his lasting regret, he turned a blind eye to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

在这所有的一切都是为了电视收视率。但他们现在对他不闻不问。It all made for great television. It's just too bad they don't give a damn about him now.

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他似乎离奇地对重要的细节不闻不问,比如伊拉克战争的执行情况。He seemed curiously incurious about vital details, such as the conduct of the war in Iraq.

监控全部流程并提供支持——对委派的任务,你可不能不闻不问。Monitor progress and providesupport – you cannot abdicate responsibility after delegating.

有时不闻不问是最好的办法-当别人告诉你行不通的时候。Sometimes it's better not to ask or to listen-when people tell you something can't be done.

事实上,对于孩子们的好恶爱憎,这构成他们大部分心理的东西,在这里是完全不闻不问的。The fact that likes and dislikes form a large part of the child mind was completely ignored.

对于交通设施建设,美国政府过去半个世纪以来一直是不闻不问的态度。When it comes to transportation, Washington has been on autopilot for the last half-century.

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现实教会我不痛不痒不在乎,不闻不问不动情。I don't care about the reality of the church is not indifferent emotion neither painful nor itching.

目前,大部分教区牧师在提供葬礼服务时都对死者的死因不闻不问。Most parish priests now turn a blind eye to the circumstances of a death to perform a funeral service.

你可以把我视为一位荒唐的乐观主义者,但哥本哈根会议失败得如此之惨,不容我们对此不闻不问。Well, call me a cock-eyed optimist, but Copenhagen's failure strikes me as being too abject to ignore.