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阿曼尼将会再度统治世界!Da Amani gonna rule again!

也许它还会再度矗立于大地之上。And maybe it will be again.

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横批鬼子再度进村。Guangpi Guizi again villages.

那红疹又再度发作。That rash has flared up again.

我们全得再度忍受。We must suffer them all again.

雨云再度前来嬉戏。Rain clouds come to play again.

为什麽延迟法庭的再度辩论?Why the delay of a re-argument?

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他们再度拥有人格功能性。Well, now they're P-functioning.

你们都知道这个中央政府并没有再度出现You know that doesn't come back.

你是如何再度战胜巨浪的?How did you beat that wave again?

你会跟艾文再度共事。You'd be working with Elvin again.

失去冠冕者再度为王。the crownless again shall be king.

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一周以后,贝克又再度邀请了他上节目。A week later, Beck had him back on.

她再度弯下身来吻着他。She bent over and kissed him again.

孟菲和陈超感情再度触礁。MengFei and Chen hit again feelings.

豪饮则使人再度清醒。And drinking largely sobers us again.

豪饮则便使人再度清醒。And drinking largely sobers us again.

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萨拉斯能否在英伦再度掀起蓝色狂飙?Another hue of blue for Marcelo Salas?

我喘息、昏晕,直到再度唤醒。I gasp, I faint, till they wake again.

其预言令君王之血再度冻凝。The blood of monarchs with his prophecies.