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我将要给了它一个力矩。I've given it a little torque.

根据ESPM,外部力矩和受力。External moments and forces according to ESPM.

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我将分析点Q的力矩。Now I'm going to take the torque about point Q.

在领引脚的球上发生避免转力矩膝。Come up on ball of lead foot to avoid torquing knee.

力,力矩,平衡受力图,绝缘成分。Forces, Moments, Equilibrium FBD, Component Isolation.

这里的力矩,会超过黑板的范围。The torque in this case would be out of the blackboard.

所以我要选择,相对于Q点的力矩。And so I'm going to take the torque relative to point Q.

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作用力之和为,力矩之和为。Sum of all forces is zero, 0 sum of all torques is zero.

维持膝和脚趾对准阻止膝转力矩。Maintain knee and toe alignment to prevent knee torquing.

如果成线,就不存在力矩。If they're exactly lined up, there is no longer any torque.

分析计算结果表明该传感器是力与力矩解耦和各向同性的。The results show that the sensor is decoupled and isotropic.

现在我们需要的是,所有力矩之和等于。But now we need that 0 the sum of all torques have to be zero.

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或许我应该说明,空间中的扭转力矩是什么。Maybe first I should remind you about what torque is in space.

因为电动马达的最大力矩处于零速度。Because the most torque an electric motor has is at zero speed.

数显式行星力矩放大扳手的核心是一个2K-H行星轮系减速增力机构。The core of DPMW is a 2K-H type planet gear reducing mechanism.

表1给出了施加在四个偏航小齿轮上的疲劳偏航力矩。Table 1 gives the fatigue yaw moment exerted on the 4 yaw pinions.

提出了人尖牙和前磨牙扭转移动时的适宜力矩。We put forward the suitable moments for rotation of human's teeth.

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作用在翼型上的力矩由应变片测定。And the torque acting on the blade is measured using strain gauges.

送经机构采用独立蜗轮箱,确保传动力矩。Independent let-off worm wheel box, can assure transmission moment.

这意味着,如果那有一个力矩,就会有角动量的改变。That means if there's torque, there's a change of angular momentum.