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格鲁吉亚人与你感同身受。The Georgians feel your pain.

你渴望他人的感同身受。You crave the touch from another.

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念著你的台词,但你是否感同身受?Say Ur lines, but do U feel them ?

哪个人物让你感同身受的感觉?Which character did you identify with?

专业人才懂得如何跟别人感同身受。Professionals know how to be empathetic.

看了这个小男孩的故事后,人们都能感同身受。You and I can identify with that little boy.

你的一切——我们都感同身受!All of yours--- we are sympathizing with you!

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许多海外华侨也感同身受。The sentiment was also shared by some people overseas.

人有一种天生的能力,我能对你的痛苦感同身受。I am built, I am hard wired, to be attuned to your pain.

能参与其中与民众感同身受,我感到非常高兴。I was glad to be part of that and feel it with the people.

同情—宽恕他人的心灵时能感同身受的品质。The essence of feeling others pain while easing their heart.

如果已经有一官半职,那对这句一定感同身受。If you already have some official appointment, then it must share.

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想想看,当你读到这篇文章,恰好感同身受时。Think about it. If you're reading this it's probably happened to you.

想想看,当你读到这篇文章,恰好感同身受时。Think about it. If you’re reading this it’s probably happened to you.

如果你能感同身受地唱这首歌,你便得到了良药。If you can sing that and mean what you're singing, it's like medicine.

我自1994年回到这里,感同身受于这一过程在英国的发酵。I have watched this process at work in the UK since I returned here in 1994.

有的观众因为对于剧中角色感同身受而哭笑无常。Some audience would cry or laugh as if they were the role in that performance.

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我相信,对这一点,东南亚各国人民和我们是感同身受的。I believe this is a shared feeling among people in Southeast Asia and in China.

只是真实的人过着真实的生活有着我们都能感同身受的真实的情感。Just real people in real situations with real emotions that we all can relate to.

然后一只羊被宰杀了,她觉得自己感同身受。Then a goat was killed, and she could feel how the goat felt as it was butchered.