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盲人有敏锐的触觉。The blind have a keen touch.

这就是触觉的神奇之处。And that's the magic of touch.

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舒适可拆洗坐垫,柔软的触觉更贴近宝宝。Soft quick detachable cushion can be washed.

肓人靠触觉辩认东西。Blind people recognise things by feeling them.

它们透明的触觉现在能感受到吗?Can their tactual sense feel now too transparent?

使丧失味觉,嗅觉和触觉。Shutting off of senses of taste, smell and touch.

我对触觉太敏感了,以至于“胳肢”都能伤害到我。I am so sensitive to touch that a tickle hurts me.

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外层披毛直、触觉为粗硬。The outer coat is straight and harsh to the touch.

通过触觉交流很明显是非言语的。Communication through touch is obviously non-verbal.

但触觉感并不代表这不得体。But tactile does not have to translate into tactless.

味觉、觉和触觉反应正常,使用正常。Normal use of, andd response to taste, smell, andd touch.

本文提出一种用于机器人末端效应器的新型触觉传感器。A new tactile sensor for robotic end-effectors is proposed.

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二者择一地,触觉荧屏能用来选择一个正方形。Alternatively, the touch screen can be used to select a square.

自闭症儿童渴望某些触觉刺激。Children with autism are said to crave certain tactile stimuli.

这种有触觉的反馈还是次要特性。That kind of tactile feedback might seem like a minor feature.

你的触觉会感受到前所未有的煎熬。Your tactile sense takes a crucifying you never dreamed possible.

在经典的空当挑战自己的触觉装置比赛。Challenge yourself in a classic Minesweeper game for touch devices.

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触觉和听觉的刺激可诱发惊厥和角弓反张。Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos.

头顶的角状触须,是味觉、触觉、听觉与嗅觉的传感器。Hornlike antennae serve as taste, touch, hearing, and smell sensors.

塔福斯系统同时也把触觉和视觉结合在一起。The Tufts system also combines the sense of touch with that of sight.