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所有这些战例都证实了这种炮不同寻常的精确性以及它全面的战斗价值。All bespeak the unusual accuracy of the gun and it's all-around combat worthiness.

美国独立战争是以小胜大,以弱胜强的典型战例。Is a big victory over the American Revolutionary War, the typical David and Goliath wars.

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去年,共和党在两项规模宏大的诱饵掉包法选战战例中获胜。Last year the G. O. P. pulled off two spectacular examples of bait-and-switch campaigning.

马刺队与掘金队的首轮对决,肯定将演化成为“阵地战”与“快攻战”之间的经典战例。The Spurs face a harrowing first-round matchup with Denver, one of the hottest teams in the NBA.

然而,在许多战例中我们的中国敌人成功地以这种方式拓展了武器用途。However, there are numerous examples of the Chinese enemy successfully exploiting his use of weapons in this manner.

在联军总部的美国专家研究了被击毁和击伤的M1A2坦克和各种装甲人员运输车的战例。US experts at the coalition command headquarters studied the cases of destroyed and damaged M1A2 tanks and various APCs.

而金融战争的隐蔽性和无战例借鉴无实战演练的残酷性,对中国国家防务是一个巨大挑战。Invisibility of the financial war and no wars no real-learn the cruelty of the Chinese national defense is a great challenge.

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他们回顾过去,研究100年、150年前以及更早的战例。我认为这非常有用,非常重要。They go back and study these old battles of 100,150 years ago, as well as much earlier, and I think it's very useful, very important.

结合实际战例,分析了隐身飞机的战术技术与作战使用特点。This paper conducts analysis of the technical and tactical characteristics and the way of operational application of stealth aircraft.

在我们研究的所有在朝鲜的军事行动中,竟没有一个美国连队使用牵制火力的战例。In all the operations brought under study in Korea, there is not one example of an American company attempting to use diversionary fire.

因此,赤壁之战成了著名的以弱胜强的战例,许多军事文献都有提及。Because of this, the Battle of Chibi has become a famous example of the weak overcoming the strong, and is mentioned in many military works.

在最近的一次模拟格斗中,一架EA-18G击落了一架F-22——在空中成功打败F-22的屈指可数的几个战例之一。In a recent mock dogfight, an EA-18G “killed” an F-22 — one of only a handful of times any other fighter has managed such a feat, in the air.

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在1917年秋天的最初的混乱中,布尔什维克在推翻临时政府是倒是有几个使用装甲车的战例。In the initial chaos of the fall of 1917, when Bolsheviks overthrew the Temporal Government, there were several cases of the use of armoured trains.

这本未完成的著作由于从战例实际出发考察,总结战争理论,终于成为流传后世的军事学经典理论名著。Inspecting the practical cases of war, summarizing the theory of them, at the end this unfinished work became a lasting masterpiece of martial classics.

考尔营胜利颇具传奇色彩,作为典型战例,其内涵不仅为英雄主义气概精神,而且还表现出美军在诸多方面错误百出。Cole's victory, memorable in itself, also serves as an example not only of heroism and spirit but also of the many things the Americans were doing wrong.

以真实历史事件为题材,以黄土岭战役这一经典战例为故事背景,展现了八路军高超的战术素养。In actual historical events as a theme, Drainage campaign this classic examples as the story background, showing the Eighth Route Army superb tactical ability.

2002年在皇马的百年庆典期间,大罗举起他的战例品时我就在那里,那真是一种不可思议的感觉。"I was there in 2002 when Ronaldo lifted the trophy during the celebrations for Real Madrid's centenary. It was an incredible emotion, " explained the 25-year-old.

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他研究并熟记史上所有伟大的曼达洛领袖的战例,从中汲取经验教训,应用于克隆士兵的训练,以提高他们的战斗技巧。He has studied and memorized the campaigns of all the great Mandalorian leaders of the past, and uses these as lessons to enhance the clone troopers' fighting skills.

详细介绍了信息战的基本知识,重点分析了北约在科索沃的信息战的著名战例,对现代战争的信息战形式和措施也作了阐述。Basic knowledge of information war is introduced, famous war examples of information war are analyzed and information war′s form and measures in modern war are formulized.

在我们所研究的各次行动中,尽管以密集炮火轰击中国人的掩体,但还没有一个火炮以直瞄射击打中它们的战例。During the operations taken under survey, there was not one instance of an artillery shell scoring a direct hit on a Chinese bunker, despite consistent fires against these objects.