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什么是磁盘?What are disks?

增加一个新的硬式磁盘。Add a new hard disk.

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接下来,格式化磁盘。Next, format the disk.

定义磁盘驱动器。Define the disk drives.

现在点击磁盘清理。Now click Disk Cleanup.

我可以借有生些磁盘吗?Can I borrow some disks?

你喜欢这个磁盘吗?How do you like this disk?

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虚拟磁盘管理器?。VDM? Virtual Disk Manager?

磁盘、磁鼓或磁带存储器。Disk, drum, or tape memory.

写入磁盘的字节数更少。Fewer bytes written to disk.

寻找到磁盘的所有路径。Find all paths to the disks.

我可以尝试磁盘工具免费?Can I try Disk Tools for Free?

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无系统盘或磁盘错误。Non-system disk or disk error.

我如何做才能释放一些磁盘空间?。How can I free-up some disk space?

那为什么浪费480GB的磁盘空间?Why waste 480 GB of disk capacity?

这里我看到了逻辑磁盘“sda”。Here I see "sda," the logical disk.

m以兆为单位显示磁盘使用情况。M Displays disk usage in megabytes.

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出现“磁盘管理”窗口。The Disk Management window appears.

这个磁盘被跨站点镜像。This disk is mirrored across sites.

为数据和日志使用高速磁盘。Using fast disks for data and logs.