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暴民政治?Mob rule?

但这就是政治。But that is politics.

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我是政治迷。I'm a politics junky.

对政治不满。Political disaffection.

我是一个政治现实主义者。I am a political realist.

她在政治上有头脑。She is politically aware.

说说下流的政治。Talk about dirty politics.

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它是一个政治雷区。It's a political minefield.

他仅浅涉政治而已。He just dabbles in politics.

他仅仅是涉足政治而已。He just dabbles in politics.

缩写与略语在政治中屡见不鲜。Initials abound in politics.

他仅浅涉政治而已。He just dab bles in politics.

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他们称他为政治煽动家。They labeled him a demagogue.

因为它政治上很容易。Because it is politically easy.

但政治是另一回事。But politics is another matter.

杜库是一个政治理想主义者。Dooku was a political idealist.

第二个教训是政治。The second lesson is political.

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抗美援朝的胜利与政治动员密切相关。The victory of War to resist U.

还有一个关于政治基调的问题。There is also an issue of tone.

这些属于政治还是经济范畴?Are these politics or economics?