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关于固定资产购建问题。Issues on fixed assets construction.

公司固定资产数千万余元。The company thousands of yuan in fixed assets.

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控制固定资产投资规模。Reining in the scale of fixed asset investment.

应计折旧的固定资产平均总值…Average total value of depreciable fixed assets n.

凡因处分固定资产所获得之利益属之。Gain from disposal of property, plant and equipment.

用已缴资本购买的固定资产。Fixed assets that are purchased out of paid-up capital.

负责饭店固定资产的帐务管理工作。Be responsible for the management of the hotel estate accounts.

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山东万美水性漆科技股份有限公司占地150亩,固定资产3.75亿。Hd chemical company covers an area of 150 mus, fixed assets 375m.

前9个月固定资产投资增长24个百分点。Fixed-asset investment increased 24 percent in the first nine months.

收入净额消耗每万元固定资产b3的。Net Revenue on consumption of each ten thousand Yuan fixed assets B3.

公司拥有固定资产数亿元,职工1288人。We have fixed assets over several hundred millions and employees 1288.

负责固定资产管理确保资本性支出得到控制。Be responsible for fixed assets management, ensure Capex under control.

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如果你有存款,投资于实实在在的有价证券,土地或者固定资产。If you have savings, invest them in solid securities, lands or property.

无锡蓝堡机械有限公司占地面积60000M2,固定资产5000万。Lonbo company covers area of 600000 M2 with over 50 million real estate.

放弃固定资产的所有权,而且不再有收回的意图。The relinquishing of real property with no intention of repossessing it.

正如史密琴斯所指出,多年来英国固定资产投资一直处于极低水准。As Mr Smithers notes, UK fixed investment has been extremely low for years.

提出固定资产投资规模、投资结构和资金平衡方案。Make plan on capital balance and investment size and frame of fixed assets.

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其他不得计算折旧扣除的固定资产。Other fixed assets for which no depreciation may be calculated for deduction.

并且使用年限超过两年的,也应该作为固定资产。不符合上述条件的劳动资料。And the useful life of more than two years should also be used as fixed assets.

马鞍山市固定资产投资呈现出明显的阶段性和结构性特征。The investment in Ma'anshan shows periodical and structural features obviously.