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直到我的身躯化成灰。Till my body is dust.

爱,不仅爱你伟岸的身躯love,not only for you grand body

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那个运动员身躯强壮有力。The athlete has a powerful trunk.

我的身躯,打碎这沉思模样!Break, my body, this pensive form!

首先,在床上她是一个温软的身躯。First, she is a warm body in the bed.

他绊倒在卢克俯卧的身躯上。He stumbled over Luke's prostrate body.

我有一个巨大的长着毛皮的身躯。I am very large with a huge, furry body.

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我是亡灵。蛆虫爬满我的身躯。I'm undead. Maggots crawled all over me.

他挺起巨大的身躯,从椅子上站了起来。He heaved his huge bulk out of the chair.

他肥胖的身躯令他行动不便。He overweights himself with huge muscles.

莫道身躯小,圣人寓其间。A little body often harbours a great soul.

伟大的灵魂常寓于矮小的身躯。A little body often harbours a great soul.

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身躯的被毛浓密、直、且平坦。The body coat is dense, straight and flat.

伟除夜的心灵常寓于矮小的身躯当中。A little body doth often harbour a great soul.

她旋转身躯来显示裙子如何飘动。She twirls around to show how the skirt moves.

他高瘦的身躯好不容易折进狭窄的座椅中。His tall, lanky body barely fit into the narrow seat.

我将弱小的身躯畏缩在墙角的某一面。I will be weak body cowering in a corner of one side.

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它的整个身躯呈现流线形,适合急速奔跑。Its streamline, the whole body presents for sprinting.

时代的铁轮,辗过他们的身躯。The iron wheels of the epoch, ran them over ruthlessly.

他们闹翻,舒展身躯晒太阳,他们斗嘴。They split up, spread out, sunned themselves, bickered.