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我不想陷入窠臼所以才辞职。I quit because I don't want to be stuck in a rut.

公司作为一个整体是滞留在腐朽心态的窠臼里的。Companies as a whole are stuck in the rut of an old mindset.

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我不想陷入窠臼所以才告退。我但愿能向前迈进。I quit because I don't want to be stuck in a rut. I want to move on.

挑战可以带出走出你的窠臼并帮你开发自己的个性。Challenges break you out of your mold and help develop your character.

他们把这些答案带回自己的窠臼中堆砌起来。They take the answer back to their cave and add it to the pile of opinions.

但是它行文的精致和内省,言语的机敏又使它不落此窠臼。But it is also delicate, introspective and mercurial, which ensures that it's not.

他的作品元气淋漓、恣肆纵逸,功力很深而又脱尽窠臼。His works, vigorous and unrestricted, reveal his profound attainment and ingenuity.

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它涉及到两个或两个以上的主体,因而超出了单一“主体——客体”的窠臼。It involves two or more than two subjects, so it transcends the mode of subject-object.

西苏的理论落入了一个窠臼,即认为只有一种成为女性作家的途径。Cixous' theories fall into the trap of thinking that there is just one way of being a woman writer.

从蔡培火的文字中我们可以知道,身份认同的论述是可以超越国家与民族的窠臼。Form his view, we can know the discourse of identity can beyond be the limits of states and nations.

作为一个良好的开端,布什政府可以试着走出原有的窠臼,并鼓励本国的流行文化和草根文化与外界有更多的交流。For a start, Bush could learn to get out of the way and encourage more popular and grassroots contacts.

我们都知道尝试新事物的乐趣,但却又往往落入生活日复一日的窠臼,每周末都过得一样。It's always fun to do something new, but often we fall into the trap of spending our weekends the same way.

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方力钧认为,光头就像徵反社会,拒绝接受任何一般的社会窠臼。For Fang, it was the liberating gesture of an anti-social hooligan, refusing to fit into any normative social role.

中国人物画发展至今,无法脱出古人窠臼,一直处在“重意轻形”、“水墨至上”的无彩世界。Up to the present day, the course of Chinese figure paintings isn't free from its set pattern formed in ancient time.

然而,他们仍未脱离秦代以来或言封建、或言郡县的窠臼。Their theories, however, failed to break away from the beaten track of feudal system or system of prefectures and counties.

就某一层次来说,康明思诗歌语言的清新表现反映了他个人对生存的感受已跳出传统感觉与表达的窠臼。In an amazing way, the freshness of language found in Cummings' poetry mirrors the freshness of instinctive response to existence.

不论哪一类,形式上已跳出宫体艳情诗“酥软”的窠臼,炼就了昂扬的“战斗筋骨”。No matter which kinds of poem, it has broken away from the'glamorous and weak'form of palace poems, formed fighting bones and muscles.

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这种产业架构同质化“复制”的倾向,始让建筑网片工业难以摆脱“低、小、散”的窠臼。This kind of industrial structure homogeneity "copy" tendency, always let the building net industry to get rid of "low, small, scattered" pattern.

从事学术研究的作者,越是愿意打破选题与研究的窠臼与框架,越能写出发前人之所未见的主张与结论。Academic writers who are willing to break ground in topic selection and research are more apt to produce a paper that breaks ground in its conclusions.

对于道德理想主义的想象是人们对于精神原地的积极追寻,但过于沉溺于道德同样会陷入精神的窠臼,成为“道德捆绑”下不自由的灵魂。Imagining the moral idealism is the dream for spirit spot, but it would become the "moral bundle" that not spiritual free, if too indulge in the moral.