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他以干净利索而优美的姿势入水。He ended with a clean and graceful entry into the water.

此反应属分子内反应,因而快速且干净利索。The reaction is intramolecular and hence fast and clean.

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她入水的姿势干净利索而优美。She ended with a clean and graceful entry into the water.

随刀头行走的吸风装置,干净利索吸走油污烟气。Walking with the head suction devices, gas oil sucked cleanly.

这篇小说并未使他神往或感动,然而写得干净利索。It did not move or touch him but it was something quick and neat.

我们需要把电引入人民家中,而且要做得干净利索。We need to put electricity into people's homes and do it cleanly.

男人想看上去干净利索,往往会留短发。Men looking to maintain a clean cut look often go with shorter hairstyles.

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她向上一跳,两手抓住了高杠,干净利索地翻转一圈。She jumped upwards, caught the high bar in both hands and did a neat circle.

工人们会踩住挣扎的动物的脖子和脑袋以便切割口能够很干净利索。Workers stomp on the necks and heads of struggling animals to allow a clean cut.

有力的领导者做决策干净利索,并能忠于决策。Strong leaders make decisions quickly and fairly, and then stick to those decisions.

木柄,不锈钢连铁组件,经过处理的直边或齿边刀口,更坚韧,开洞更干净利索。Steel alloy body with wooden handle, treated scalloped or tooth edge blade ensure clean cut hole.

而且每一回,儿子都走得非常干净利索,连中途掉下来的可能性都不存在。Every time he seemed to walk very quickly and smoothly without the least possibility that he would fall down.

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另外,我是一个急性子的人,做事喜欢干净利索,因此每件事都会以最高效的成绩完成。In addition, I am an acute, doing things like clean, so everything will be in the most efficient completion of the results.

WeFollow的点子并不新颖,但是它提供了一个干净利索而且容易上手的页面,页面的刷新也很频繁。While not a new idea, WeFollow offers a clean, well-executed design and easily navigable pages that are clearly refreshed often.

作为对照,他的美国同僚,第一次参与海外部署的McCarthy中尉,高高的个子以及24小时都剃的干净利索的小胡子。By contrast, his American counterpart,Lieutenant McCarthy, tall and trim at 24 with a smooth-shaven Burt Lancasterchin, was on his first deployment.

他不知道几多年前,那个青涩地夏季,他的一次温馨的问候,莞尔一笑,又或者一次干净利索的英雄表演,振动了某个人的心弦。He did not know how many years ago, that in the summer, he's a warm greeting, smile, or a clean heroic performance, the vibration of a personal chord.

滤盘旋转时,自动排渣,卸渣干净利索,适应各种粘度的物料精密过滤。When the filter plate revolves, it platoon dregs automaticly, unloads the dregs cleanly and agilely, adapts to every kind of viscosity material filtration.

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那三个手下人看我在拿东西,就对我象是介绍又象是告戒一样的干净利索的说的一大堆话。Those three under charge persons see me be taking thing, is introduction to my elephant elephant to warn a lot of words of similar clean benefit Suo's saying again.

不管是亲友还是同事,不管是上级还是下级,如果你在另蛤的眼里是干净利索的,至少大家不会讨厌你。It is a friends and relatives or a colleague to ignore, ignore is a superior or a bottom class, if you are the clean prompt in another the eyes of the clam of, everyone will not dislike you at least.