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你的邻居。Your neighbor.

小心你的邻居。Watch your neighbors.

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他是个挺好的邻居。He was a good neighbor.

还有你的邻居?And your neighbor too?

Wyatt先生是我的邻居。Mr. Wyatt is my neighbor.

我如何在网上创业认识我的邻居。I wish i knew my neighbor.

我的邻居是杰克。琼斯。My neighbor is Jack Jones.

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爱你的邻居就是爱你自己。Love thy neighbors thyself.

王家是我的邻居。The Wangs are my neighbors.

詹姆斯是亨利的邻居。James was Herry's neighbour.

我的邻居是一个冷漠的人。My neighbour is a cold fish.

你会抢劫你的邻居吗?Would you rob your neighbor?

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他是我的隔壁邻居。He is my next-door neighbour.

她的邻居养鸡。Her neighbours kept chickens.

是隔壁再隔壁的那户邻居。The neighbors two doors down.

好状师坏邻居。A good lawyar a bad neighbour.

向邻居要些大肚鱼。Ask neighbor for some minnows.

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丽丽是我门挨门的邻居。Lily is my next-door neighbor.

我们正在成为邻居。We are all becoming neighbors.

法兰西,纳粹德国的邻居。Fuck France, Neighbor of Nazies.