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你好,欢迎光临浙商小商品网。Hello, Welcome to Zhejiang Commodity Net.

做服装小商品的商贸城就在火车站这一块。Apparel Commodity do business in the city railway station on this one.

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怎样从南京交通职业技术学院到南京义乌小商品市场?How traffic from Nanjing in Nanjing Vocational College of Yiwu market?

你对义乌小商品市场的服务及价格满意程度?How do you satisfy the service and price of Yiwu Petty Commodities Market?

公司坐落于中外闻名的小商品采购中心——中国义乌。Wende is located in the well-known global commodities center-Yiwu in china.

那个城管煽了那个街道小商贩一个耳光,并把小商贩的小商品都没收了。The subpolice slapped the street trader and took off the pedlar and smallware.

我一直想买一些中国民间艺术品和手工艺品等小商品。I've been hunting for some small commodities like Chinese folk arts and crafts.

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小商品,大市场,区域经济各显神通。Large market with small commodity is the blue-chip feature of its regional economy.

位于潍坊小商品城五区负一楼5.6.7号的玩具商行。Located at Weifang small commodity city five area negative building 5.6.7 toy firm.

据说,中国出口到尼泊尔的小商品中,只有袜子不那么畅销。It is said that Chinese commodities exported to Nepal, only the socks, not so popular.

位于中国最大的小商品集散地——浙江省义乌。ChunNi Painting, located in China's largest small commodity distributing center – YiWu.

叫卖指挨门挨户地推销廉价的小商品。Peddling indicates the selling of small , inexpensive goods by going from house to house.

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义乌,中国小商品城市,这里的市场在1月24日到2月16日都是关闭的。In Yiwu, the commodities city of China, the market will be closed from Jan. 24 till Feb. 16.

1995年5月18日,篁园路上中国小商品城内外张灯结彩,人群熙攘。On May 18,1995 the China Commodity City on Huangyuan Road was decorated brightly and crowded.

座落在素有“中国小商品之城”的义乌,交通方便,物流发达。Located in Yiwu with " city of Chinese smalls ", the traffic is convenient, the logistics is developed.

饰丰饰品座落于亚洲最大的小商品集散地—中国义乌。Located in the largest small commodity distribution center of Asia-Yiwu, China, Yiwu Shifeng Jewelry Co.

在那里,你可以走访汉正大街,它是中国著名的小商品批发市场。There, you can visit Hanzhen Street, which is the most famous whole sale market for small products in China.

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这些小商品有所了解你,你会答应和业务,在许多情况下,您手中的家。These hucksters will promise you anything to get your business and, in many cases, their hands on your home.

要看你开什么店了,服装的话四季青,饰品的话小商品市场了等等。Depends on what you drive stores, and clothing, then holly leaf, ornament, if commodity markets and so forth.

鼎诚小商品屋以经营小商品为主,兼营玉器、玛瑙、水晶、绿松石等饰品。Dingcheng Small Goods Web Store mainly sells small goods as well as jades, agates, crystals, turquoises , etc.