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跟宝宝玩击掌游戏。Play hand games with baby.

他们相互举手击掌互致敬意。They high-fived each other.

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举手击掌代表高兴、喜悦和力量。A high-five symbolizes joy, elation and power.

这句话是说,他甚至还和对手击掌来庆贺。He even exchanged high-fives with the competition.

而此时焦虑兄弟却在互相击掌庆祝。By now the Anxiety Brothers are high-fiving each other.

好了---我觉得我们在举手击掌方面花的时间足够多了。All right---I think we've spent enough time on high-fives.

同僚们用欢呼、拥抱和举手击掌欢迎她。Her colleagues greeted her with cheers, hugs and high-fives.

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下一次你听到好消息的时候,跟某人举手击掌吧。Next time you hear some good news, give somebody a high-five.

常为人击掌作保,实是个无知之徒。A foolish man will clap hands, when he is surety for his friend.

在部队越过边境时人们都击掌庆祝。High fives and celebrations break out once troops cross the line.

在邻居面前击掌作保,乃是无知的人。It is senseless to give a pledge, to become surety for a neighbor.

不要与人击掌,不要为欠债的作保。Do not be one of those who give pledges, who become surety for debts.

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映秀镇一位被埋了148小时的人得到解救,人们击掌相庆。A man who endured 148 hours buried in Yingxiu was rescued and celebrated.

击掌、拥抱、握手、拍肩是被认可的社交触碰。High-fives, hugs, hand-shakes, armtaps are accepted public forms of touch.

不过这两个人很狡猾,他们和学生双打,打出好球的时候还击掌庆贺。This time the pair cunningly played pupils and high-fived their best shots.

比赛以后你能看见我们的球员过去和他撞胸,和他击掌。After games you can see our guys come over to chest-bump him, high-five him.

而伊朗、俄罗斯、委内瑞拉和所有欧佩克的强盗们正在击掌相庆。And Iran, Russia, Venezuela and the whole OPEC gang are high-fiving each other.

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他们需要“击掌鼓励”,你的回复对他们来说极其重要。they need the high-five, and it means an awful lot when you reach back to them.

不要与人击掌,不要为欠债的作保。Be not thou one of them that strike hands, or of them that are sureties for debts.

彼得斯希望任何来到地球上的外星人都将和我们击掌相迎。Peters hopes any E.T. visitors to Earth will result in them slapping us on the hands.