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大约8000英镑。I have 8000 pounds.

这顿饭花了本人们30英镑。The meal cost us 30.

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我赛狗赢了10英镑。I won 10 on the dogs.

能借给我五英镑吗?。Can I borrow a fiver ?

你能借我五英镑吗?。Can you lend me a fiver?

你能付我500英镑吗?Can you send me 500 quid?

你身上有5英镑吗?Have you 5 pounds on you?

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它的零售价为15,000英镑。It retails from £15, 000.

给她买连衣裙花了我380英镑。Her dress stood me in £380.

波多贝罗路,十英镑!Portobello Road. 10 pounds!

我买这张桌子花了30英镑。I bought this table for £30.

现在是四张5英镑的钞票了。Now there are four ?5 notes.

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先付给我50英镑定钱。Pay me 50 as a down payment.

小计金额为342英镑。The sum subtotalled is £342.

他向她要了10英镑。He touched her for 10 pounds.

他的房屋被估价为一百万英镑。He was rated as a midshipman.

我赌她字呈票中奖了,斡赢睹100英镑。My number came and I won 100.

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这所房子的价钱为72000英镑。The house costs 72000 pounds.

它花了几英镑而已。They cost a couple of pounds.

他们骗走了他200英镑。They took him for 200 pounds.