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辐射能也称作光能。Radiant energy is also called light energy.

所有的辐射能都具有波的特征。All radiant energy has wavelike characteristics.

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所谓太阳能,就是太阳产生的辐射能。Solar energy is radiant energy that is produced by the sun.

紫外线辐射能炙烤皮肤,婚姻法司法解释三。引发皮肤癌。Ultraviolet radi can burn the skin as well as cause skin cancer.

居里夫妇认为自然界必存在某种物质能释放辐射能。The Curies believed that there was something in nature which gave out radiation.

热能在辐射时,转换成性质与光相似的辐射能。In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy ,similar in nature to light.

热能在辐射时,转换成性质与光类似的辐射能。In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy , similar in nature to light.

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在离开爆炸某一特定距离处接收到的辐射能便有所减少。There is a decrease in the radiant energy received at a specified distance from the explosion.

尼古拉·特斯拉发明的一种最早的无线电话使用的即是辐射能。One of the earliest wireless telephones to be based on radiant energy was invented by Nikola Tesla.

这些都是相同的能量光谱,建筑产品和窗户必须考虑对每日的太阳辐射能量的耐受性。These are the same energy spectrums that building products and windows must endure on a daily basis.

辐射能有波状特征,这些特征和水波的波状特征相似。All radiant energy has wavelike characteristics, analogous to those of waves that move through water.

然而,随着辐射能把他细胞里的染色体分解掉,他的病情渐渐变弱。However, his condition gradually weakened as the radioactivity broke down the chromosomes in his cells.

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并对相应的轫致辐射能损分布作了近似计算。The distributions of corresponding bremsstrahlung energy losses have also been calculated approximately.

能不能有一个真正的柯克舰长每时每刻吃掉无限多的辐射能来驱动翘曲引擎?Would a real-life Capt. Kirk eat an infinite amount of radiation every time someone engaged the warp drive?

然后光合速率趋于稳定,再增加辐射能对光合速率没有影响,光合系统达到光饱和状态。The rate then levels off, and additional radiant energy is without effect and the system is light saturated.

没有太阳,就没有生命,植物的生命依赖辐射能,而我们依赖植物的生命。Without it there would be no life, for plant life depends upon radiant energy-and we depend upon plant life.

出于某些原因,手机辐射能引起的轰动仅仅到刚好抓住媒体眼球的程度。For some reason radiation from cell phones was just sensationalistic enough to get the attention of the media.

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除非在曝晒过程中对辐照度进行了直接测定,否则不要报告辐照度或辐射能。Do not report irradiance or radiant exposure unless direct measurement of irradiance was made during the exposure.

电子的引力能通过电子的轫致辐射转化为爆发相的辐射能。The gravitational energy of electrons transforms into radiation in burst phase through bremsstrahlung of electrons.

我们熟悉的另外一些形式的辐射能是电磁波,红外线、紫外线、X射线和伽玛射线。Other forms of radiant energy familiar to us are radio waves, infrared rays, ultra- violet rays, X rays, and gamma rays.