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我可以玩泡泡枪吗?May I play with the bubble gun?

双重的泡泡糖能吹双重的泡泡。Double bubble gum bubbles double.

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为什么鱼吐泡泡就是蓝色的呢?Because the fish will spit the froth!

煮鸡蛋的水冒泡泡了。The water with the eggs was bubbling.

第二,过滤器泡泡是无形的。Second, the filter bubble is invisible.

去做做推拿或者泡泡温泉,犒劳一下自己。Treat yourself to a massage or spa day.

是的,很容易。在前门大街上泡泡英语网。Yes , very easy. It's on Qianmen Street.

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就算你在那个泡泡里,你也无法幸免。And even in the bubble you're not immune.

一款好玩的冰冻泡泡汉化储存版游戏。A fun store frozen bubble game hanization.

或者你也可以把傻瓜看成一个泡泡。Or you can envision the idiot in a bubble.

是的,就是它。容易找到泡泡英语网。Yes , that's the one. Is it easy to find ?

泡泡龙,一个十分流行的弹珠游戏。Bubble Bobble, a very popular pinball game.

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撞色布泡泡袖及有褶饰边裙脚。Contrast color puffy sleeves and frilled hem.

温泉正冒着泡泡。That hot spring was effervescing with bubbles.

水开时,水面起了泡泡。When water boils, bubbles rise to the surface.

暖暖的茸茸的泡泡开始出现了。A warm fuzzy bubble started to form from there.

当屏幕用泡泡填满时,你就失败了。You lose when the screen fills up with bubbles.

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泡泡堂挂机外挂,直接编译即可使用。BNB hook plugin can be used directly to compile.

下载并马上打泡泡全国联保是免费的!Download and play Bubble Genius for free right now!

是谁在我们的银河系中央玩泡泡?What’s playing bubbles at the center of our Galaxy?