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狗在家门前条条都凶悍。Every dog is valiant at his won door.

出自大海凶悍的无邪。Out of the murderous innocence of the sea.

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那是一群由黑社会的凶悍分子组成的暴民。It is a mob compacted of violent elements of the underworld.

你要避开好辩和凶悍的人,他们徒惹烦恼。You must avoid loquacity and the man-eating person, they only annoyed.

巴若看上去像只受了惊吓的南美洲的水豚,正被凶悍的巴西女战士步步进逼。B&N looks like a frightened capybara running from a fierce Brazilian she-warrior.

在暴蛮,这些器材被视为拥有真格的凶悍兽人性格的暗号。To the Goffs, these are the outward signs of the tough character of the inner Ork.

即使在这样的堡垒里,不幸的瑞普到底还是被他那凶悍的老婆赶出来了。From even this stronghold the unlucky rip was at length routed by his termagant wife.

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她生活和死亡在距今一千六百年前的古老的秘鲁莫切文明,一个被凶悍男人们所统治的民族。She lived and died 1,600 years ago among the Moche of ancient Peru, a people ruled by fierce men.

毛色红亮,性情凶悍,獒气十足,继承了京京的优点。Color is red and light, aggressive temperament, and full of character, it inherited the Jing Jing's advantages.

起初她招架着,只是想把他推开,但她越来越难以招架,这么小的孩子居然这么凶悍。At first she fought just to get him off her, but it was a hard fight. Such a small a child to fight so fiercely.

当伯母注意到他的时候。那个凶悍的男人早已经手握铁棒恶狠狠地盯着这个柔弱的女人。As soon as aunty noticed him, the awful man had already stared at the tender woman with a long pontil in his hand.

能否投入生产不好说,但是我们希望它能问世,不为别的,就因为它凶悍的模样!There’s no word as to whether or not it will see production, but considering how bad ass it looks we hope it does. Source

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不论是凶悍的松毛虫,还是遍身毒毛的刺蛾,一遇蠋蝽便束手待毙。Aggressive pine caterpillar and cup moths armed with poisonous hair can do nothing but await destruction when attacked by stinkbugs.

现在这些巨大的猛兽作为最凶悍的战士效力于巫妖王手下,并充天灾军团在诺森德领地的护卫者。Now the giant, thundering beasts serve as the Lich King's mightiest warriors and the guardians of the Scourge's holdings in Northrend.

他的祖先是中世纪最骁勇善战的家族,而他本人在言行上也凶悍得很。Proud of his descent from one of the most fighting clans of the Middle Ages, he is a man of force alike in his words and in his deeds.

杂谈小时候是不喜欢黑人的,总觉得他们黑呼呼的,很粗鲁,很凶悍,像地狱的恶魔。Many tears ago, i do not like black people, and always feel that they and whir , and very rude, very aggressive, like the devil of hell.

这个魔鬼的特点是他的黑毛,刺鼻气味,非常响亮和令人不安的尖叫,喂食时的凶悍。This devil is characterized by his black fur, pungent odor when stressed, extremely loud and disturbing screech, and ferocity when feeding.

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这头名叫「汉尼拔」的公鹅因为太凶悍,因此被放进驴栏内,以免牠和其他禽鸟养在一起,因而遇见了母驴「海蒂」。The gander, whose name is Hannibal, met Heidi the donkey when he was put into her enclosure for being too aggressive to be kept with the other birds.

篮球的发展趋势是沿着“智博谋高、身高体壮、凶悍顽强、积极主动、快速机敏、全面准确”的方向发展。Basketball trend is down, " Tomohiro seek high, tall and strong, aggressive and indomitable, active, quick smart, comprehensive and accurate" direction.

都说鲨鱼很凶悍,杀人不眨眼,可日前专家经研究证实,倘若身穿“淡蓝色或与海水相近颜色”的泳衣在海底与鲨鱼“亲密接触”,可以大大降低被鲨鱼以及鲨鱼群攻击的几率。Wearing a light blue wetsuitthat matches the colour of the sea will make you less likely to become the victim of a shark attack, according to researchers.