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他住在往上数第三层楼。He lives three floors up.

假设我们上三层楼。Suppose we go up three floors.

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一百万买件衫还是买层楼?Who wants to be a millionaire?

这棵树有四层楼高。This tree is four stories high.

这座王宫有四层楼高。The place stood four storeys high.

他们住在一幢三层楼的公寓里。They live in three storys building.

从27层楼看的视野。View from 27th floor. December 1931.

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第四层楼的家俱还在。The fourth floor housed furniture stores.

爬了十层楼,他已上气不接下气了。He was breathless after climbing ten floors.

这层楼几乎所有的房间都关着。Almost all the rooms are closed on this floor.

地坑院居然也盖有两三层楼?Do the courtyard underground have three floors?

您会看到在你左边有一栋四层楼的建筑物。You'll see a four-story building on your leave.

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这层楼面上有多条过道和多个空房间。It consists of multiple passages and empty rooms.

入口是一个穿过四层楼高,直通屋顶的中庭。Entry is through a soaring four-storey-high atrium.

房子一般有三层楼高,用石块修建。House –often three storeys high-were built of stone.

房子一般有三层楼高,用石块修建。Houses-often three storeys high-were built of stone.

房子,通常三层楼高,由石头建成。The house usually three stories, built up by stones.

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完工后,有四层楼57米高。When completed, it rose up 57 meters in four levels.

然后我们把他的东西搬到三层楼的一间屋里。Then we took his things to a room on the third floor.

“你知道这些电梯是违法的,”哥兰说,“根据规则,没有玻璃电梯可以超过九十层,而这楼有九十七层楼面,它是洛杉矶最高的楼。"You know these elevators are illegal, " Graham said.