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可惜成功总是与失败如影随形。But for every success, there are dozens of failures.

对于很多受害者来说,生活还要继续——只是多了病痛如影随形。For many victims, life goes on—but with complications.

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缫爱情如履薄冰,痛苦却如影随形。Love are treading on thin ice, but the pain ruyingsuixing.

那一轮清月,却似神秘的心灵低语,如影随形。The Moon whispers in your heart like an old soul everywhere.

现在我已经是「杀手」的朋友了,他如影随形跟著我。Now that I was Killer's friend, it followed me like a shadow.

噢噢,困惑如影随形,是的,像个我内心的朋友。Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh!

他如影随形地跟着达妮芙,可她不想接受阿波罗的爱。He followed her everywhere, but she did not want Apollo's love.

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黑色如影随形,追逐着存留不多得沉默。Black was the shadow of yourself, tacking a little silence left.

思念是一种很玄的东西,如影随形。Miss is a very mysterious thing, as the shadow follows the form.

没错儿,一旦你注册了一个维基百科网站的帐户,就表明它和你永远如影随形了。That’s right once you have a Wikipedia account you have it forever.

没错儿,一旦你注册了一个维基百科网站的帐户,就表明它和你永远如影随形了。That’s right, once you have a Wikipedia account, you have it forever.

失业问题依然鬼魅般如影随形,并且没有好转的迹象。Unemployment is still in the stratosphere and shows no sign of improving.

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狄斯妮和基拉很快就密不可分,总是如影随形。They soon became inseparable and would be by each other's side all the time.

而且这种不适感如影随形,与我们每个人亦步亦趋。And this kind of uncomfortableness associates and follows everyone of us closely.

在流光溢彩的113年的电影历史长河中,电影特技始终如影随形。During 113 years of brilliant long history of film, film stunt still goes with it.

你的思想与你如影随形,从众多的通道影响着你的每一部分。Your thoughts affect every part of you in ways much too numerous to ever keep track of.

我虽然知道、学过、甚至传讲各种道理,然而,嫉妒总是如影随形。In spite of everything I know and have learned and even preached, envy is never far away.

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而这样的悲剧,事实上与人类漫长的历史相伴,如影随形。And this kind of tragedy, and in fact the long history of human companions, Ruyingsuixing.

如是化成雨蝶那才碎了心愿,如影随形只教不相弃。As to the butterfly that broken hope, as the shadow follows the form only teach not abandon.

对古罗马样式的回归“与基督教的衰退如影随形”。The return to the ways of ancient Rome “has closely paralleled the decline of Christianity”.