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那这种子虚乌有的说法是从哪儿来的?。So where did this myth come from?

这些当然只是人们的幽默和子虚乌有。This is all humbug and good humor, of course.

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这个人类延续研究所纯粹是子虚乌有。The Institute of Human Continuity is not real.

人们对隐私的兴趣其实是子虚乌有的。It's a myth that people are interested in privacy.

所有这些报道都是子虚乌有的。Is behind all this. All of which is patently false.

一位部级官员称这篇报道纯属子虚乌有。A ministry official described the report as groundless.

面对子虚乌有的诽谤我感到很苦恼。I felt quite distressed at being untruthfully slandered.

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去看这些问题,你会发现它们子虚乌有。Look into the problems and you will find they are fictitious.

我指的是依据子虚乌有的大杀器证据而占领一个主权国家。I mean occupying a sovereign country with fabricated WMD evidence.

据说他曾一度在瑞士接受过教育,也可能是子虚乌有。He is thought to have been schooled in Switzerland for a time, or maybe not.

枪手居然明显的部位不射,却专挑难瞄准的膝盖!他瞎了眼吗?还是根本子虚乌有?Why is the shooter shooting at her knees? Is he blind? OR THERE IS NO SHOOTER!

枪手居然明显的部位不射,却专挑难瞄准的膝盖!他瞎了狗眼吗?还是根本子虚乌有?Why is the shooter shooting at her knees? Is he blind? OR THERE IS NO SHOOTER! ! !

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所谓的完美父母,或者说完美子女,根本是子虚乌有。There is no such thing as the perfect parent. Or the perfect child, for that matter.

她常常绘声绘影的瞎掰一些子虚乌有的事情,来说明她的东西为什麽找不到了。She often created various vivid stories in order to explain why her articles were lost.

这个传言也许和其他的一样是真的,但也许只是子虚乌有。Like so much else about him, it may have been true, but it was probably just razzle -dazzle.

甚至迟至今日,人们依然认为缺失中心的结构仍系子虚乌有。And even today the notion of a structure lacking any center represents the unthinkable itself.

我认为这些子虚乌有的指控令人讶异,这篇报导显然触怒许多人。I find these make-believe allegations astonishing. Obviously this story touched a lot of people.

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大师和经典是造型艺术所企望的高峰,但这座高峰并不存在于子虚乌有之处。A master or a classic is not only the expected peak of plastic arts, which does not exist in nothing.

对那个不真实的人来说,整个宇宙都是虚伪的——都是难以触摸的,在他的把握之中化为子虚乌有。To the untrue man, the whole universe is false- it is impalpable- it shrinks to nothing within his grasp.

穆罕默德还说,美国律师指控他有罪的证据都是子虚乌有,连律师自己都无法证实证据的真实性。Mohammad also said that the evidences provided by the US lawyer cannot be proved even by the lawyer himself.