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作了全部赔偿。Full amends was made.

踩坏了照价赔偿。Put a bad price as compensation.

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他们要求额外的赔偿。They asked for extra compensation.

他必须支付100英镑的赔偿。He have to pay an indemnity of£100.

我们要求你们赔偿我们遭受的损失。Yd to compensate us for the damage.

赔偿索偿中之业务损失评估。Compensation claims on business loss.

赔偿性税务分担合约。Tax sharing agreements of indemnities.

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赔偿我的店子。还我钱!To pay for my store. Give me my money!

你必须超常赔偿我的损失。You must overcompensate for my loss.

至少雅培公司给予了消费者赔偿。At least Abbott gave customers a refund.

我将要求公司给予赔偿。I'll demand reparation from the company.

该诉讼现要求数十亿美元的损失赔偿。It seeks billions of dollars in damages.

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战争受害者要求赔偿。The victims of war claimed compensation.

你打算为那只打烂的花瓶赔偿吗?Do you intend to poy for that broken vase?

他答应赔偿我的损失。He promised to indemnify me for my losses.

业主财产损失赔偿纠纷。Owner property damage compensation dispute.

应付的赔偿不作以新换旧的扣减。Claim payable without deduction new for old.

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江西人贩谋杀智障汉伪造矿难骗取赔偿。Gang murders man then sues for compensation.

律师们仔细分析了他提出的赔偿要求。The lawyers dissected his claim for damages.

赔偿标准及数额。The standard and amount of the compensation.