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贝索斯没有贪求赢利。Bezos was not profit-hungry.

这让他进而贪求丰美的食物。This created a craving for rich food.

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我已经遇到了救主,我不贪求什么。I had met the Savior and nothing was getting between us.

怀特先生毫无忌惮地贪求名利。Mr. White have uncontrollable greed for fame and wealth.

对黄金的贪求不分时代,种族和民族。The lust for gold spans all eras, races, and nationalities.

不愿你忧虑,不愿你贪求你没有的能力。He doesn't want you to worry about or covet abilities that you don't have.

太贪求于财富不利于个人健康,尤其是心理健康。Being too covetous for wealth is bad for one's health, particularly mental health.

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若立时心思放纵,贪求外来的安慰,这就破坏了为日后领主的好预备。If a person lets his mind wander to external comforts, he becomes quite indisposed.

如果财富是今生所极贪求的对像,有什么比创造一切的智慧更为富足?If we desire riches in life, what is richer than Wisdom who is the active cause of everything?

他希望能一次又一次地朝觐。“现在,我对朝觐贪求无厌。”Ahmed kept the money for emergencies knowing that a Muslim should not borrow money to perform hajj.

彼得回来了,眼睛里露出贪求的神情,这本来是应该使温迪感到惊骇的,可是她并没有惊骇。He came back, and there was a greedy look in his eyes now which ought to have alarmed her, but did not.

若我会贪求世上任何一个地方,除了十字架底下的一片尘土,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。If I covet any place on earth but the dust at the foot of the Cross, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

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固执的、多疑的、贪求权利和地位的人,也已经在内心中自杀了。The man who is obstinate, suspicious, greedy for power and position, has also inwardly committed suicide.

有的人因为对财富的贪求而偏离了真道,造成他们的极大痛苦。Somepeople, in their eagerness to get rich, have wandered awayfrom the faith and caused themselves a lot of pain.

当他们这样做时,我们知道,即使是杀手也将签署释放表格,以贪求其在新闻媒体上的大出风头。By the time they do, even the murderer, we know, will be signing release forms and hungrily securing his 15 minutes of fame.

唯利是图,是一种痼疾,使人卑鄙,但贪求享乐,更是一种使人极端无耻,不可救药的毛病。Mercenary, is a chronic illness, people despicable, but lust for pleasure, it is an extremely shameless people, incurable illnesses.

贪求是强烈的感官意识附属于存在的事物,因自性不灭而显现形式各异而令延续扩大。Intense desire for sentient existence is attachment. this is inherent in every form is self-perpetuating and known even to the very wise.

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从那个源头导致的影响使得在这个宇宙中任何地方的灵魂,只要倾向于贪婪,残忍与贪求权力的,都成为了黑暗力量的傀儡。It is from that source that souls anywhere in this universe who have proclivity toward greed, ruthlessness and lust for power become puppets of that abject darkness.

一些公司贪求利润而置农民工的利益于不顾,政府部门最近收到许多拖欠工资的投诉。While seeking after their own profits, some companies ignore the farmers' interest, Recently, the government has been bombarded with the complaints about delayed payments.

东汉思想一方面认为宇宙受控于贪求不厌的神只,另一方面认为宇宙由循环不断的物质力量组成,欠缺一种公认的统一模式。Overseen by hungry gods on the one hand or structured by impersonal cyclic forces on the other, the Eastern Han cosmos eluded a single consistent model accepted by everyone.