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向消费品安全委员会举报每一个事件Report Every Incident to the CPSC

向消费品安全委员会举报每个事件。Report every incident to the CPSC.

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XpanD的3D眼镜将于下周在德国柏林国际电子消费品展览会正式首次亮相。IFA consumer electronics fair next week.

交换自制的礼物或者消费品。Exchange home-made gifts or consummables.

许多消费品都是尼龙作的。A lot of consumer goods are made of nylon.

网簿是一类热销的消费品。Netbooks are a hot-selling consumer product.

另外一些人开始抵押别的形式的消费品。Others forfeited other forms of consumption.

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胶鞋是最终产品、直接消费品。Rubber overshoes is end item, direct consumable.

他们希望我们的消费品对环境更友好。They want to make our consumables more eco-friendly.

不过,住房不同于别的消费品,可替代性差。However, unlike other consumer housing, substitutability poor.

舍此消费品销售额的大量增长,凸显了贫富间的收入差距。The income gap is showing up in booming sales of luxury items.

日本人喜欢买美国车和第三世界的消费品。American prefer buying Japs car and third world consumer goods.

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日用消费品的费用上涨了两倍。The costs of daily consumer goods have been hiked at two times.

熟悉品牌或耐用消费品销售模式。Be familiar with the sales mode of brand or perdurable consumable.

消费品市场繁荣稳定,货源充足。Consumable market prosperity is stable, supply of goods is enough.

这些都显示出中国奢侈消费品的巨大增长潜力。All these demonstrate China's huge potential of high-end consumption.

你对消费品的选择与你的个性无关。Your choice ofconsumer products says nothing about your individuality.

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我知道“平安险”并不包括消费品的种种损失。I know that F. P. A. insurance does not cover losses on consumer goods.

几乎所有的西方消费品制造商都感受到了北京的高压。Almost all Western consumer-goods makers have felt Beijing’s heavy hand.

在我们国内市场上,这种消费品的价格是放开的。The price of this kind of consumer goods on our domestic market is open.