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马克思真的显灵了吗?Would Marx really object?

显灵板是用来联系灵界的鬼魂。The Ouija Board is used to contact spirits or entities.

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圣礼意味着神秘,与神的显灵有关。Sacrament means mystery, relating to the divine presence.

灵猫显灵助君王,徒曾杀孽弓尽藏。A king, and appeared to help feed had slain all hidden bow.

这个显灵板看上去很怪,上面有字母和符号。It was a strange-looking board, covered with letters and symbols.

“兰朵好运”在马克和桑德拉身上再次等到显灵。The Landau luck, Mark and Sandra were convinced, had finally shifted.

相传其显灵说法的道场在浙江普陀山。It is storied that Mahasthamaprapta preached in Putuo Mount of Zhejiang.

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然而,在橄榄山,她和三个使徒宣称看到耶稣显灵。However, she did report a vision of Jesus at Mount Olivet with three Apostles.

我紧张起来,喘着粗气,用力把手指从显灵板上拿开,可是他们好像被粘住了,动弹不得。I gasped and tried to pull my fingers from the planchette, but they were stuck.

因此我得好好向耶稣祈祷,让他老人家显灵来替我收拾你。So I'll just pray really hard for Jesus to come back, so He can kick your butt for me.

当我父亲在哥哥去世后六个月也因脑瘤去世后,母亲让我使用显灵板。When my father died of a brain tumor six months after my brother, she made me use a Ouija board.

神选者“算是外号,意思是“显灵“,就是希腊语“显灵“的意思Epiphanes though is a sort of nickname and it means "manifest," it's just the Greek word for "manifest."

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一天我和几个朋友玩的时候,在地下室�发现了一块显灵板。A couple of friends and I were hangin' out one day and we found an Ouija board in one of their basements.

传说关公显灵助战,援朝的中国明军大败日军,取得胜利。It is said that Guang Yu exercised magic power in the Ming dynasty to help Chinese army defeat Japanese troops.

老牛说的话显灵了,仙女们很快就到了,她们脱掉丝袍跳进水里。They soon came, just as the ox said they would. They took off their silk robes and jumped into the clear water.

怀疑论者同时也举出了压倒性的证据,所有所谓的显灵效果都是巧合而已。Skeptics will also point to the overwhelming evidence that all so-called effects of prayer can be explained through mere coincidence.

我漫无目的的驾驶,祈求神仙显灵,直到最后我屈服了,停在一家星巴克门前,向里面的人求助,借用他的计算机。Drove around aimlessly, praying for psychic ability, until I broke down, headed to Starbucks and begged to borrow stranger's computer.

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他们说这些藤蔓太靠近高压线,在耶稣显灵之前已被标记需要砍掉。They said the vines were close to high voltage wires and had already been earmarked for cutting before their potential religious significance emerged.

他们常常以有所传闻的城镇为其命名,或者根据发现其显灵的场合给玛丽一个绰号。They are often given names based on the town in which they were reported, or on the sobriquet which was given to Mary on the occasion of the apparition.

而以显灵于灵岩山寺的西土智积菩萨为开山师,在中国佛教史上也是极为罕见的。Besides, it is unusual that Zhiji bodhisattva from Westland, who showed his power in this place, was honored as a founder in the history of Chinese Buddhism.