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布什总统向国会提出资金请求以欲再一次扩军。President Bush is asking Congress for money for another troop surge.

我记得你承诺过会通过在阿富汗扩军而抓住他。I thought you promised to capture him by expanding teh Afghan troops.

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罗马的皇帝,克洛蒂斯,想要扩军。Claudius, the Emperor of Rome, wanted to increase the size of his army.

这也是我为什么坚决支持加快阿富汗扩军的速度。That is why I am such a strong supporter of accelerating the expansion of the Afghan army.

在这种情况下,NMD将成为美国战略进攻力量的倍增器,而NMD计划实际上是美单方面的核扩军计划。Under such circumstances, NMD will become a multiplier of the U.S. strategic offensive force.

他在两党官员中都留下了深刻的印象,并很可能对美国驻阿富汗扩军问题进行监管。He has impressed officials in both parties and will likely oversee an increase of US troops in Afghanistan.

盖茨表示,所有各方都同意要尽快落实扩军计划。Gates said all parties involved agree on the need to move as quickly as possible to expand the Afghan forces.

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2009年,法国重掌北约后,终于说服美国,使欧盟扩军计划得到了其支持。Reassured by France's return to NATO's command in 2009, the Americans then encouraged a stronger EU military role.

同年4月22日,NBA扩军惠及奥兰多,这里多了一支职业篮球队。从1989-90赛季开始,比赛就在阿米利亚西街600号开始了。On April 22, the NBA awarded Orlando an expansion franchise to begin play in the 1989-90 season on 600 West Amelia.

去年,苏格兰足总和爱尔兰足总率先提出了欧洲杯扩军的提议。Last year, the Scotland Football Association and the Irish Football Association took the lead to propose the European Cup expansion of armaments proposition.

我们可以共同采取的最初步骤之一就是扩军——以便美军为应付未来的所有挑战做好准备。And one of the first steps we can take together is to add to the ranks of our military so that the American Armed Forces are ready for all the challenges ahead.

7月18日,泗洪县公安局政治处主任姜扩军说,泗洪放高利贷范围较广,若采取强硬措施,恐怕会引起恐慌。In July 18th, Sihong County Public Security Bureau political department director Jiang expansion, Sihong usury wider scope, if take tough measures, may cause panic.

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随着战争的规模也日益增大,各国争相扩军,例如法国与奥地利之间的王朝战争,这两个国家在1756年成为盟友,战争也随之结束了So, the size of the armies for these megalomaniac wars, these dynastic wars between Austria and France and then they changed partners in 1756, and all of this business.

随着战争的规模也日益增大,各国争相扩军,例如法国与奥地利之间的王朝战争,这两个国家在1756年成为盟友,战争也随之结束了。So, the size of the armies for these megalomaniac wars, these dynastic wars between Austria and France and then they changed partners in 1756, and all of this business.

大国在为谋求世界霸权扩军、小国在为自卫备战的同时,无不采取各种手段以维护自身语言的纯洁性,旨在加强民族凝聚力。Super powers seeking hegemony and small countries trying to defend themselves use every means possible to maintain the purity of their languages and enhance national cohesion.

然而,在作出最终决定前,他需要了解该计划更多的详细情况,包括美军是否要降低征兵标准,籍此来扩大征兵规模。美军参谋长皮特盖伦曾表示,快速扩军需要加快募兵和重新征召更多老兵。However, before a final approval, he would like to know more about the details of the plan, including whether the Army has to lower its recruiting standards in exchange for growth in size.

在海外,白宫正重新审视在阿富汗的军事战略,包括大规模扩军的可能,同时试图在遏制伊朗核武器计划方面获得支持。Abroad, the White House is rethinking its military strategy in Afghanistan, including the prospect of a big troop increase, while trying to build support for action to stem Iran's nuclear program.