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他今天出疹子了。He came in a rash today.

我们都没出疹子。We all escaped the measles.

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你是什么时候开始出疹子的?。When did you begin to have this rash?

你可以出疹子和腺体肿胀。You may get a rash and swollen glands.

让我看看。你什么时候开始出疹子的?。Let me have a look. When did you have this rash?

当你得麻疹时会出疹子。When you have the measles, you break out in spots.

你先来检查一下。你出疹子有多长时间了?Let me have a look. How long have you had this rash?

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一天之后他出疹子,被诊断为水痘,他被送回家。A day later he developed a rash that was diagnosed as chicken pox and he was sent home.

我开始从最基本的方向着手,并且试图尽可能地避免参入容易引起狗狗皮肤损伤和出疹子的混合物。I started with the basics and tried not to add ingredients that would cause breakouts and rashes.

虽然化疗有效果,但也有许多副作用,象头晕、犯困、疼痛、出疹子和呕吐,等等。Although chemotherapy can be effective, there are many side effects such as nausea, extreme fatigue, pain, rashes, and vomiting.

天花病毒的潜伏期是10天左右,之后开始出现类似感冒的症状,接著是皮肤出疹子。The disease has an average incubation period of approximately 10 days before flu like symptoms begin appearing , followed by skin rash.