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一位年轻的小媳妇深受村里上了年纪的老妈妈们的喜爱。There was a daughter-in-law who liked by the old women in the village.

第三类叫“小媳妇型”中层,唯唯诺诺,像个受气包。Third category called" little wife" middle, be a yes-man, like a doormat.

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听说小媳妇曾经有次晚上逃跑,但被抓了回来,并被打了一顿。Have heard that the girl had run away at night, but was arrested back, and was made meal.

做婆婆的一听,连忙派人将小媳妇请了回来。Upon hearing this, the mother-in-law sent people to ask her daughter-in-law back right away.

30岁以前,何美亮的人生只能用「小媳妇」这三个字来形容。Before age 30, what beautiful bright life can only use kannika nimtragol, these three words to describe.

原来这小媳妇是七八里外的黄土岭村人,名叫刘玉兰。The original small daughter-in-law is the Loess ridge village seven or eight miles away, named Liu Yulan.

性急的他趁老小媳妇洗衣的当儿,费尽心机,弓腰趴地够健身球。Impatient he youngest daughter-in-law while washing business, tax one's ingenuity, bow, happy enough fitness ball.

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其实,跟在老奶奶身后的半大小孩,或者年轻小媳妇,往往也现出害怕的样子。In fact, with the children and teenagers, behind the old lady, or the young Lady, often emerged in fear looks like.

我一个堂堂男子汉就像个小媳妇似的,工作累到晚上12点回来,你不在家,还在外面玩,家里丢的衣服我还得去洗。I am a man like a bitch, tired of work until 12 p. m. come back, you are not at home, are playing outside, home lost I have to wash clothes.

几个孩子在各种风险中奋力流亡,数次险象环生,其中大丈夫和小媳妇之间不乏诙谐诙谐的阅历。Several children in various risk struggled to exile, several of those dangers, including men and XiaoXiFu is witty experience between witty.

但这个哥伦比亚人现在却像个小媳妇一样和维甘这支保级队拼命的拖,所以众多俱乐部都希望能在赛季结束时刮分这块不要钱的蛋糕。But the Colombian, 26, is dragging his heels with Wigan looking like relegation candidates and clubs prepared to snap him up at the end of the season for free.

然而,面对主任那威风凛凛的“公公”脸,我只得如小媳妇般将头点得如鸡啄米似的。However, at sight of his awe-inspiring face, I felt as if he were my stern-faced father-in-law. I could do nothing but nod my head like a chick pecking at rice.

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在河南游击区,我曾遇到过一个从婆家逃跑出来的小媳妇,说她婆婆对清算斗争心怀不满,就在水并里投放毒药。In Honan, I met a girl in the guerrilla regions who had fled from her husband's home because her mother-in-law had poisoned the wells during a settlement struggle.

比起那个看起来在办公桌边就能打死一只雄鹿的Drumanesque,马儿更像是受尽欺凌的小媳妇儿,总在“对不起,都是我的错”的道歉声中开始新的一天。Rather than seeming Trumanesque in stopping the buck at his desk, Obama seemed more like an abused spouse who starts her day saying, "I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

在中国的许多地方,剪纸已成为大姑娘和小媳妇必备的女红技艺,成为衡量妇女心灵手巧的一种标志。In many parts of China, paper-cutting skill has become a must for women, old and young, and the symbol of a clever mind and nimble fingers for Chinese ladies as a whole.