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让他一个人演独角戏吧,你就陪衬一下。Let hime solo, and you go along.

好花要有帅哥陪衬,陪衬一下。To spend to have handsome foil, foil look.

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这个框把你的画陪衬得很美。The frame sets off your painting very well.

蓝莹莹的天空陪衬着雪白的云,煞是好看。In the blue sky there are many white clouds. So nice!

那种爱情总是有那种友谊陪衬着的。Such loves are always accompanied by such friendships.

它还打印于波伊斯'7万聚明确涵盖的陪衬。It also prints in foil on Powis' 7 mil clear poly covers.

黄色的泳衣与她铜色的肌肤是完美的陪衬。Her yellow swimsuit serves as a perfect foil to her bronzed skin.

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但是这里有一个我们不能忽视的政治陪衬情节。But there is a political subplot here that we simply can't ignore.

作为陪衬的绿叶,既不能抢了新娘的风头,又要能称得起场面。As a foil leaves, neither to upstage the bride, but also can call the scene.

酒精普遍被认做是欢乐时光的陪衬,但是它也有不好的一面。Alcohol is commonly thought of as a good-times libation , but it has a dark side.

其中一个上面印着一朵花,青绿色的叶子陪衬着深蓝色的花朵。One sled had a flower painted on it, a deep blue flower with bright green leaves.

人们想当然的认为胖子就是给美女做陪衬的。People take it for granted that fatties are born to make slender people look good.

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它的主要特征是主调鲜明突出,支声仅起陪衬作用。The main melody is very clear, and the supporting voice simply throws it into relief.

贾尔斯上课时,我坐在大教室的最前排,成为他辛辣机智的最好陪衬。I sat in the front row of Giles's big lecture class, a perfect foil for his biting wit.

无人晓得,偶尔出来个“某某”王妃,充其量也只是个陪衬。Nobody knew that, occasionally comes out "someone" princess, also is only a set-off at best.

这种雕刻的手法就是在浮雕的基础上镂空起陪衬作用的背景。This technique is carved in relief on the basis of the foil the background of hollow out role.

皮草的陪衬使得包袋增添冬日温暖触感,而经典的豹纹图案让今季的女人充满野性的性感魅力。A fur bag adds warm touch of winter, while its panther print endows ladies with wild sexy charm.

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皮草的陪衬使得包袋增添冬日温暖触感,而自然的混色皮草图案让今季的女人充满野性的性感魅力。A fur bag adds warm touch of winter, while its natural design endows ladies with wild sexy charm.

艺穗节伊始,是作为高高在上的爱丁堡音乐戏剧国际艺术节陪衬而办。The Fringe began as a foil to the snootier Edinburgh International Festival of music and theatre.

他和昂帕斯—斯泰会偶尔作为乐队核心演员的陪衬打鼓。He and Umpass-stay would occasionally play the drum as back-up to the core performers of the group.