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葡萄上市了。Grapes are now in.

这种产品一经上市便反响强烈。The response has been strong.

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它已开始上市。It has appeared on the market.

为什么有些公司会选择上市呢Why do they choose to be public?

这款车将于2010年底上市。It will arrive by the end of 2010.

七月是西瓜上市的节令。Watermelons are in season in July.

该公司叩开上市大门。The Company has entered the market.

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这是刚上市的草莓。The strawberries have just come in.

他们把苹果装篓上市。They basketed apples for the market.

光明食品集团拥有四家上市企业,其中之一是光明乳业。Bright Food runs four listed companies.

郡郡上市的所有审判法庭在弗吉尼亚州。County, all from the Court of Virginia.

通过批准后,你就可以上市该项产品了。After approval, you market your product.

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现在他们又迫不及待,想赶快完成上市。Now, they are in a hurry to get it done.

在三月份以前鲑鱼不会上市。Fresh Salmon doesn't come in before March.

但同时,买壳上市是风险较大的资本运作方式。Meantime, it is high risk of buying shell.

该公司叩开上市大门。The company has opened the gate to market.

模拟城市4的优质版本现已上市!Sim City 4 Premium Edition is available now!

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这两家公司目前都已在上交所上市。Both companies are already listed in Shanghai.

请问你个人有冇买系香港上市既股票?Have you bought any listed stock in Hong Kong?

不过汇金并未透露计划在这三家中国最大的上市银行中投资多少。Huijin didn't say how much it plans to invest.