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这缏媞莪们婚礼。This is our wedding.

你的婚礼定在什么时候?When is your wedding?

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婚礼上的来宾。Guests at the wedding.

那么婚礼订在哪天举行?So when's the wedding?

什么类型的婚礼?What kind of weddings?

你许我一场婚礼。You make me a wedding.

它的场景是一个婚礼,And it is set at a wedding,

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他们采用西式的婚礼。They had a western wedding.

您的婚礼是什么状况?What was your wedding like?

德凡正在筹划一场婚礼。Devan is planning a wedding.

我不打算去参加婚礼了。I'm not going to the wedding.

她滔滔不绝地谈着她的婚礼。She slopped over her wedding.

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浪漫嫁期为你呈现完美婚礼!RMT, perfect for your wedding!

蝙蝠侠和神奇女侠的婚礼Batman and Wonder Woman Wedding

他将婚礼拍录下来。He filmed the wedding ceremony.

我差点错过了自己的婚礼。I almost missed my own wedding.

他们邀请我叁加婚礼。They invited me to the wedding.

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你的婚礼是由谁主持的?Who officiated at your wedding?

没有必要解释是哪个婚礼。No one has to say which wedding.

彼得-潘和小叮当的婚礼Peter Pan and Tinkerbell Wedding