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谁可以接盘呢?投资者已经不再入市了。Who are the buyers? Investors aren't any more.

止损点放在自我们入市交易后的最高收盘价减去2.5ATR处。Exit at the highest close since entry minus 2.5 ATR on a stop.

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而使用错误的离市策略,会使得入市策略变得很可怕。When combined with the wrong exit the same entry looks terrible.

使用正确的离市策略,会使入市策略看上去很好。When combined with the right exit the entry strategy looks great.

其所言的“降”一是指数,二是新开盘低价入市。Said its "decline" First, the index, two new low-priced market price.

现在唯一的问题是究竟该现在入市还是等到下一轮救助。The only question is whether to jump now or wait until the next bailout.

房屋楼上临街的一面,特设洪水时人出街入市使用的活动板门,称作“水门”。The Water Gates are for use of residents to come in and out during flood time.

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尤其在市场跳空开盘,穿过入市信号时,情况更是如此。This was especially true when the markets gapped open through the entry signals.

到了牛市的高峰期,甚至有人头脑发热、借贷入市。To bull market peak, even some people hotheaded , lend money entering the market.

宏观经济趋势将继续保持入市反弹的态势,还是将陷入二次衰退?Will macro trends have continued their anemic recovery, or double-dipped back down?

农地非法入市实质上是一项合理的诱致性的制度变迁。Rural land brought to market illegally is actualy a kind of reasonable system innovation.

如果精明的投资者正在撤离银行板块,其他投资者应该提高警惕,不要再扎堆入市了。But if the smart money is leaving the sector, other investors should be wary of piling in.

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菲律宾、泰国、新加坡和韩国央行周四均入市抛售本币。The Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and South Korea all appeared to sell currencies Thursday.

当今世界充满活力,科技大行其道,这为新理念的入市提供了无限机会。Today's dynamic, technology-infused world offers limitless opportunities for bringing new ideas to market.

科威特中央银行昨日入市支持遭受衍生品交易亏损冲击的海湾银行。Kuwait's central bank stepped in yesterday to support Gulf Bank, which has been hit by derivative trading losses.

开放式基金作为超级机构投资者入市运作表明我国证券市场进入机构投资者超常规发展新时期。Open end fund has been put on the market, which shows a supernormal development stage of institutional investors.

当检验一种入市策略的有效性时,最好选用简单的离市策略,比如进场一段时间后就出场。When testing the validity of an entry method it is best to begin by simply exiting the trades after a number of bars.

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"成交量对于牛市而言并不正常,"Detrick称,"散户错过了本轮涨势中的大量入市机会.""Volume hasn't been normal for a bull market," Detrick said. "The retail crowd has missed a good chunk of this rally."

目前,划拨土地入市具有法律限制——先补交地价再入市。Currently, Getting state-owed land into market has law restriction that adding land payment first then going into market.

市场对散户投资者回归股市一直是翘首以待,因为这样会带来一波闲置资金入市。The long-hoped-for move of individual investors back into stocks was supposed to bring a wave of money off the sidelines.