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这时,汤姆的拼音课本跃入他的眼帘。Tom's spelling-book fell under his eye.

两小时后,长城映入我们的眼帘。After two hours the Great Wall appeared before our eyes.

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报纸上的通栏标题跃然映入我的眼帘。The banner headline leaped out at me from the newspaper.

今晚午夜十分的星空,大熊座也称北斗七星,映入我们眼帘。Tonight's chart shows the Big Dipper for around mid evening.

当游客进入展馆,一个绿色果园就会印入眼帘。A green orchard will come into view as visitors enter the pavilion.

水晶破碎的银光正是那发自内心的伤感,那垂落眼帘的泪滴。Crystal broken silver is the heart sad, the tears fall in front of.

一道也许是来自千年前的视线,映入我们的眼帘。A sight that might have been from a 1,000 years ago greeted our eyes.

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一个与众不同的巨型水晶吊灯立马就映入你的眼帘。a huge and unusual crystal chandelier will immediately catch your eye.

突然第三个元素又跃入眼帘了。All of a sudden a third element has been injected in to the comparison.

转过头,又一个夏日铺满眼帘,树木葱茏,阳光明媚。Turning round, I discovered another bright day, trees green and bright.

说这些话时,一禾面色铁灰,眼帘低垂。When saying these words, Yihe was looking iron gray, eyes casting down.

就在此时,高胜寒却如天神一般映入了崔华盾的眼帘。Just then, Goldman sachs cold but is like the god greets the Cui Huadun.

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因为遮盖你们眼帘的面纱,将由编织它的手掀起The veil that clouds your eyes shall be lifted by the hands that wove it

当她看到城墙下前夫的身影时,爱的热泪流满了眼帘。Tears of love filled up her eyes when she saw her first husband down below.

这一分钟,一片青翠的山谷从山下延展开来印入眼帘,一所所房屋点缀其间。One minute a verdant, terraced valley dotted with houses stretched out below.

济贫院的高贵轮廓和英尼戈·琼斯的不朽纪念碑进入眼帘。The noble lines of the hospital, immortal monument of Inigo Janes came in view.

走进校园,一墙茂盛的爬山虎扑入眼帘。When you come to my school, you will firstly see a wall covered with green ivy.

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母亲轻轻的转过身,她的臂和丰盈的臀立即也像玉一样映入了我的眼帘。Mother faced round, and her arms and plump hip came into my eyes, like the jade.

现在它将自己的枝干伸向天空,涌入我眼帘的是那粉红色和白色的美丽景象。Now it lifts up its arms to the sky and fills my view with pink-and-white beauty.

在两幅文字云中,首先映入我眼帘的都是“时间”和“世界”两个单词。What jumped out at me immediately were the words time and world, in both wordles.