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哈利路亚,唱欢欣!Alleluia, Sing Noel!

我欢欣雀跃地宣布。I joyously announced.

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让我们相信犹有欢欣。Still persuade us to rejoice.

无比欢欣的劫后余生。The exultant joy of survival.

他为新的自由而欢欣。He gloried in his new freedom.

带着它的苦痛和欢欣!With its joy and with its pain!

会拥有烦恼,也会欢欣愉悦We're worried. We'll get elated.

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但如果这些话是对的,那什么又是欢欣?But if these be right What is joy?

我因你的圣名而欢欣。I rejoice in the name of the Lord.

从她的笑脸上我看到欢欣。I saw the joy in her smiling face.

你的欢欣透过痛苦来找我O Joy that seekest me through pain

吾爱欢欣舞秀发。My love dances in my beautiful hair.

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享受早晨的欢欣和中午的喜悦。Comfort in morning, joy in the noonday.

我的家是充满笑声和欢欣之家。My home is the home of laughter and exultation.

齐来宗主信徒,快乐又欢欣。O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant.

我想看看褪去羞涩后的她欢欣雀跃时的一面。I wanted to see her unabashed expression of joy.

我们十分欢欣地守候着能在见到您。We will be delighted to meet with you on June , 1998.

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右派也不会对工人阶层所处的窘境而欢欣。Rightists don’t revel in the plight of workers either.

他刚开始想命名为,什么是欢欣“Yeats at first thought to call this poem "What Is Joy?"

你的言语使我欢欣因我永属于你。In gladsome words I would rejoice That I to thee belong.