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精练历年真题。Zhenti scouring the calendar year.

工作室历年所获的奖项都有哪些?What awards has the studio received over the years?

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历年擅举清点对公益慈悲,李宇春初末铭刻于心并疏力疏为。For charity, li will always remember in heart and do.

历年演出资料电脑查询计划案。Performing Historical Information Search Engine Project.

历年演出录影带转成VCD保存计划案。Converting Historical Performing Program VHS Tape into VCD.

历年充满创意的口号使可口可乐一直保持霸主地位。Creative slogans throughout the years have kept Coca-Cola "king of hill."

各地中嘉兴的畜禽粪便产生量历年最大。Jiaxing was on the top of the amount of livestock and poultry excrements.

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现在是时候选一本历年真题解析了。Selected one at time nowing , real question has been analyzed over the years.

此文件是历年全国计算机4级等级考试试题。This file is the calendar year, National Computer Grade 4 examination papers.

历年平均死亡年龄呈明显上升趋势,平均每年增长0.56岁。The average annual death age of these people increased 0.56 years old annually.

其结果是,去年他们榛子的价格是历年最高的。As a result, the price of their hazelnuts last year was the best it has ever been.

该等资料属临时性质及未经审计,并且以历年基础计算。The statistics are provisional and unaudited, and prepared on a calendar year basis.

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丛欣竹的目的是创作出一首利于传唱的歌曲,在创作之前她研究了历年奥运会的会歌。Cong Xinzhu's aim was to compose a song that was easy to sing for the general public.

历年气候干旱指数平均为0.002,极值出现在下游的民勤地区,达0.581。The average arid index was 0.002, with a maximum of 0.581 in the lower Minqin region.

历年以来,北大所录取的学生全部都是优中挑优的学生。Over the years, the students admitted by Peking University are the better of the best.

他们经常可以通过查看历年的收支变化而发现新闻。They often find stories by looking at changes in income or spending from year to year.

随着历年时间变化,流行区有从南向北方向扩散的趋势。As the time changes, there is a trend that epidemic transforms from the south to north.

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在今年五月的立法会选举中,我们创下历年最高的投票率。In May this year, we saw the highest-ever turnout in our Legislative Council elections.

2009年发放的失业补助金几乎是历年发放金额的两倍。The amount of unemployment benefits paid in 2009 nearly doubled from the previous year.

请附学生证正反面影本及历年成绩单于后。Please attach the two-sided copies of your student ID card and the school grades report.