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川陕边区的农业收成良好。The szechuan-shensi border area has had a good harvest.

国民党军继续向边区腹地进犯。The Kuomintang forces continued their attacks into the border areas.

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边区当局将他送进军政大学学习。The authorities sent him to the military academy for study as a cadet.

武陵地区是指的以武陵山脉为中心的湘鄂渝黔边区。WuLin region is intersection broader area of Xiang, E, Yu and Qian province.

陕甘宁边区,是这种阴谋的一部分。The disruption of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region was part of their plot.

抗战前陕甘宁边区几乎没有近代工业。Before the Anti-Japanese War , there almost had no modern industry in the region.

边区政府副主席戎伍胜对我说,“人民要是过上了民主生活,习惯自然会改变。If the people lead a democratic life, their habits will naturally be transformed.

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今年三月,川陕边区的红军也开始转移。In March this year the Red Army in the Szechuan- Shensi border area began its shift.

缅甸政府封锁了我们边区进口的所有东西。The Burmese government blocks everything from being sent into our territory, even salt.

其所处闽、粤、赣边区是典型的山地丘陵地带,素有“八山一水一分田”之说。It inhabitates in the boundary of Min, Yue and Gan which is a typical region of highland.

在我去访问的时候,这个纲领仍然是晋冀鲁豫边区的根本法。This program up to the time of my visit was still the fundamental law of the Border Region.

边区军民开始向日军据点发起了一系列局部反攻。The Border Region started a series of partial counter-offensives against Japanese positions.

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延安和陕甘宁边区的人民对于全国人民是有伟大贡献的。The people of Yenan and the Border Region have made great contributions to the whole nation.

晋察冀边区在战略上的重要性在好些国家的首都被默认了。The strategic importance of Chin-ChaChi was secretly being recognized in a number of capitals.

第五部分综述陕甘宁边区语文教育的历史及其现实意义。The fifth part summarizes the historical and natural significance of district Chinese education.

当然,陕甘宁边区的民主政治建设有其局限性,但这是次要的。Of course, the democratic construction of Shan Canning had the limited aspects, but these were minors.

冀鲁豫边区革命纪念馆位于菏泽市城区赵王河畔。Hebei-Shandong-Henan border revolutionary memorial hall is located in Heze city near the Zhao Wang river.

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第四部分剖析了边区教育取得伟大成就的原因。And the fourth part analyses the reasons that the education in the border area can make great achievements.

如果在陕甘宁边区发生了这样的事情,我们的高等法院早就出来过问了。If such a thing had happened in the Shensi- Kansu-Ningsia Border Region, our high court would have acted long ago.

陕甘宁边区的公营工业是在战争环境中建立和发展起来的。The public owned industry of the Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border-Area was set up and developed in the war environment.