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你必须让铁水继续加热半个小时。You must keep the liquid iron heated for another half hour.

铸造起重机主要用于吊运钢水或铁水。Foundry crane is mainly used to carry melting steel and iron.

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对铁水进行氧化脱碳处理后进行冷却,没有发现片状石墨析出。No graphites are found after the hot metal decarbonized by oxidization is cooled.

鱼雷罐是钢铁厂装铁水的容器,由弹簧支撑在平板车上。Torpedo bottle is a molten-iron container which is upheld by spring on flat vehicle.

低压区也会导致空气及型腔的气体吸入铁水流中。The low-pressure area can also cause air and mold gasses to be drawn into the stream.

本铁水罐车占用空间小、结构紧凑、工作可靠。The hot-metal ladle car possesses small space usage, a compact structure and reliable working.

介绍了动态铁水轨道衡在南钢公司的应用情况及效果。The application and effect of dynamic track scale of molten iron at Nansteel company are introduced.

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就含钒钛铁水预处理工艺在攀钢投入使用的情况作了介绍。The pretreatment process for hot metal containing vanadium and titanium at PZH Steel was introduced.

解决了低硅铁水炼钢粘枪、粘烟罩、脱磷困难等问题。The problems such as dephosphorization and adhesion of slag to oxygen lance and helmet were settled.

在铁水中用氯化铁为氯化剂进行氯化法提镓。Gallium in hot metal is removed by chlorination treatment using iron chloride as chlorination agents.

对炼钢来说,入炉的铁水渣量大,使得冶炼周期长、消耗高。The hot metal is charged into BOF with some slag increasing production cycle time and cost increment.

简介了川威炼钢厂低硅铁水冶炼工艺。The process of steelmaking with hot metal containing low silicon in Steelmaking Plant was introduced.

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照片上的岩壁,在我的感觉就像热和红色的铁水,涂抹到凹凸砍削的石壁。The walls in my photo felt like melted iron, hot and red, smeared onto the walls in curves and cambers.

对于非脱磷铁水冶炼高碳钢,脱磷是高碳出钢的关键环节。Phosphorus removal is very crucial for refining nondephosphorized hot metal to produce high carbon steel.

碳不溶于普通溶剂,但能在一定程度上溶于铁水。The carbon can't dissolve in ordinary solvents, but melted iron does dissolve carbon to a certain extent.

在场的球粒铁在多尘样本显示出铁水广泛分散。The presence of spherules of iron in multiple dust samples is indicative of molten iron widely dispersed.

介绍了酒钢铁水预脱硅工艺的设计、主要设备及控制方法等。The design, main equipments and controlling methods for pre-desilication technique in Jiugang are presented.

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本文提出一种铁水粒化-固态脱碳-电炉重熔制备工业纯铁的新工艺。It includes three steps-hot metal granulation, solid state decarbonization and electric furnace melting down.

介绍了两用型铁水车的技术参数、结构特点及其应用情况。Described are the technical parameters, structure features and application of the convertible smelting-pot car.

并探讨了铁水预脱硅防止生成泡沫渣的原理。In the present paper, the principle of preventing slag from foaming in pre-desilication of hot metal is discussed.