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好马不停蹄,好牛不停犁。Good non-stop, good cattle kept plow.

而且七月正在马不停蹄地超越六月。And July is doing its best to outdo June.

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几个月来他马不停蹄地周游世界。He was traveling around the world for months on end.

与此同时,老布什总统正在马不停蹄地出访。Meanwhile, President Bush was going out in full stride.

然后,我马不停蹄就去了商诗父母的家里。Then, I tirelessly went to a company the poem parents' home.

部队马不停蹄地赶到了目的地。The troops rushed to their destination without a single halt.

不仅如此,对于一个游记作家来说,马不停蹄地观察是不够的。Also, non-stop observation is not enough for the travel writer.

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写旅途杂记的时候,不要“马不停蹄”,应采用多段的形式。While writing your travel stories, don't write it without breaks.

如果你马不停蹄的话,一周可以游完世界。You could whip around the world in a weekend if you flew non-stop.

春风得意马蹄疾。兔年里,愿你马不停蹄,奔腾前进!Percussion horseshoe disease. The rabbit years, wish you all, pentium!

研究员相信,一些蜂鸟会马不停蹄地飞越墨西哥湾。Researchers believe that some hummingbirds fly non-stop over the Gulf of Mexico.

人们正马不停蹄地准备迎接更大的变革。The stakes are higher, people are restless, poised for even greater transformation.

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七月份,中国的一位高级外交官又马不停蹄地前往了班加西。This was followed in July by another visit to Benghazi by a senior Chinese diplomat.

奥巴马和克林顿参议员正马不停蹄地在这个州竞选。Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are campaigning in the state almost non-stop.

妹妹,我希望你的经历丰富,生活充实,我希望你马不停蹄的向理想奔去。Sister, I hope you experience a rich, life enrichment, I hope you ran to the ideal non-stop.

达赖近来真够忙的,这位73岁的老人马不停蹄地在全球各地穿梭。Dalai recently really suffices busily, this 73 year-old people nonstop from all over the world shuttle.

这一次,兔子竭尽全力自始至终马不停蹄往前奔,它终于赢了,领先乌龟好几里路程。This time, the hare went all out and ran without stopping from start to finish. He won by several miles.

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格兰特马不停蹄,迅速出兵,阻南军于田纳西州河畔。Grant wasted no time. He quickly sent troops to fight the Confederate force blocking the Tennessee River.

那是2014年初,我正在亚洲马不停蹄地进行为期四个月的融资,当时已经奔波了三个月。That was early 2014, and I was three months into a near-constant four-month fundraising trip through Asia.

会后,总统将马不停蹄飞抵亚拉巴马州,查看上周龙卷风造成的灾情。The president was traveling to Alabama later that morning to witness the damage from last week’s tornadoes.