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他每天的工作是制作照相机镜片的毛坯。His daily work is to rough out the lenses for cameras.

球笼式等速万向节精锻毛坯及成品和半轴总成。Precision mold and finished C. V. Joint, and the complete shaft.

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这已成为少切削、无切削、精化毛坯的一种先进工艺。This is an advanced process of less-cuttings, non-cuttings and fine-blank.

用这种工艺可以实现玻璃模具毛坯的快速铸造。By this technology it can achieve rapid foundry of glass mould's roughcast.

竹材毛坯定位是实现竹材定向削片的关键环节。Corrected orientating of bamboo- roughcast is a key of making bamboo chips.

目前使用较多的如各种毛坯石板、木材等。Use at present more wait like all sorts of semifinished product flag, lumber.

年生产球座、拉杆毛坯三百万件,球头拉杆总成五百万件。Production at the ball, drawbars rough 3000000, ball- drawbars assembly 5000000.

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在一面墙上,壁橱里放满了正待晾干的毛坯木制碗盆。On one wall there are shelves filled with roughly cut wooden bowls that are drying out.

实现了捷达、来和高尔夫轿车发动机曲轴毛坯的国产化。The nationalization of engine crankshaft blank for jetta bora and golf car was realized.

实现了捷达、宝来和高尔夫轿车发动机曲轴毛坯的国产化。The nationalization of engine crankshaft blank for Jetta, Bora and Golf car was realized.

对其非标准型的双弧曲面封头冲压展开下料毛坯直径展开计算、作以阐述。It is also discussed the calculation of blanking diameter of non-standard double curved head.

这些结果对后翼子板初始毛坯的选择、冲压加工过程控制等具有指导意义。These results are important both for the choice of initial blank and forming process control.

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毛坯房子,南北通透,采光充足,前无遮拦,得房率高,1T4H。Blank house, the north-south, daylighting enough, former unprotected, room rate is high, 1 T4H.

本文研究了一种自由锻造耐热合金机匣毛坯的新方法。A new method to free forge the blank of case of an aircraft made of superalloy has been studied.

毛坯经干燥再装入窑内焙烧,烧成温度一般为1300℃左右。Blank after drying and then firing into the kiln, firing temperature is generally around 1300 ℃.

本文介绍了先进的TR镦锻法制造曲轴毛坯的工作原理。The paper introduces the working principle in making crankshafts by using advanced TR upsetting.

表明所生产的气门毛坯废品率明显下降。The results indicate that the reject rate of the tire valve semifinished products are descended.

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本公司可按客户的要求供应毛坯,半成品,或成品。We can supply Parts as blanks, semifinished, or finished products to meet customers' requirements.

可部分替代传统的等温退火作为轴承套圈毛坯的预先热处理。It can replace traditional isothermal anneal as advance heat treatment of roughcast of bearing rings.

结果表明,采用这种工艺实现了汽车中间轴毛坯的大批量生产。Practice indicated that applying this process can realize mass production of automotive countershaft.