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三仙姑不敢答话。Third Fairy dared not reply.

该故事涉及到一个善良的女子和一个邪恶的仙姑。The story concerns a good girl and a wicked fairy.

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这棵藤距离何仙姑家庙不远。The vine is the distance he Xiangu Jiamiao not far.

仙姑顶名胜风景区,历时三年精建而成。Xiangu top scenic spot, took three years to build from fine.

宝玉看毕,无不羡慕。因又请问众仙姑姓名。Lost in admiration of everything about him, he asked the fairies' names.

说它沾了何仙姑的仙气,或何仙姑沾了它的仙气也未可知。Say it with he Xiangu immortal gas, or he Xiangu touched it Xianqi unknown.

小楼何仙姑旅游景区,庙内香火盛极一时,是祈福开运好去处!Ho Hsien Ku Temple, located in Xiao Lou Scenic Area, is a good place to pray for good luck.

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老爷子和蛐蛐姐比我们到得早,仙姑也来了,当然我们不会和她坐在一起。Lao Yezi and Ququ sister arrive earlier. Xian Gu also comes. Of course, we will not sit together with her.

“是你?”舒儿眼里闪现一抹惊喜和意外,“仙姑,你怎么知道我在这里?”"Is you?"Shan in the comfortable son eyes now ashore putting on wonder ugg tall event, " fairy Gu, you how tin anybody understand am I here?"

宝玉还欲看时,那仙姑知他天分高明,性情颖慧,恐把仙机泄漏。Baoyu would have read on, but the goddess knowing his high natural endowments and quick intelligence feared the secrets of Heaven might be divulged.

郑氏族中的道德仙姑成为明朝之后球坑及远近村庄百姓钦仰四季礼祀的对象。Zheng clan became the object of moral fairy ball pit and near villages of people revere the worship ceremony of the Ming Dynasty after four seasons.

小芹一个人悄悄跑到前庄去找小二黑,恰在路上碰上小二黑去找她,两个就悄悄拉着手到一个大窑里去商量对付三仙姑的法子。Quietly, she hurried in search of Young Blacky. By chance she met him on the road, looking for her. Hand in hand they stole to a cave they knew to talk over how to deal with Third Fairy.