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请在下面适当的空格打钩。What makes him tick?

为啥之间没有空格?Why is there no space?

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然后,再取代所有空格。Then, it replaces all spaces.

奶奶过去经常墨水笔来填这些空格。Grandma used todo them in ink.

我先打出些空格。I'm going to clear some space here.

冒号开头代表新的一行或一段前空格。A colon indents a line or paragraph.

不要忘记其中的空格和引号。Do not forget the spaces and quotes.

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就像字谜中的一个空格。It is like one piece of jack puzzle.

如果必须要有缩进,请使用空格。If you must indent, use blank spaces.

它也可以是空格分隔的列表。It too may be a space-separated list.

请依图中文字输入在下方空格!Please enter the value from the image!

可以跳过空格或整行。Spaces or entire lines can be skipped.

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路径名不能包含任何空格。The path name cannot contain any space.

函数程序体应缩进四个空格。The body itself is indented four spaces.

请勿在用户名中使用空格。Please do not use spaces in the username.

为什么不直接插入一个空格字符?why not just insert a space as a literal?

在每一层缩进上用4个空格。Use 4 spaces for each level of indentation.

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用户名不能含有空格或冒号!The login may not contain spaces or colons !

空格字符的助记符,即The mnemonic for a space character, which is

如果您想要一个值为空,可以输入一个空格。Enter a space if you want a value to be null.