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所通过微波频带的中心频率与介电共振器的共振频率相同。The center frequency of the passing band is the same as the resonance frequency of the dielectric resonators.

论文首先针对环形共振器的基本设计原理与架构作一讨论。The essentials of the ring resonators, which include the design principles and structures, are first discussed.

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理论和实验研究了腔壁弹性对水下小型圆柱形亥姆霍兹共振器共振频率的影响。And the approximate rigid conditions for small underwater cylindrical Helmholtz resonators of different sizes are given.

研究中的第二个部分,是对于微波介电陶瓷制备介电共振器天线与高介电陶瓷薄板之制程方面的研究。In the second part studied the fabrication process of dielectric resonator antenna model and high permittivity ceramic plate.

此外,也利用耦合共振器带通滤波器分别来实现一个宽通帯之双工器与两种三工器。In addition, coupled-resonator filters are also utilized for implementing a wideband diplexer and two triplexers, respectively.

为了验证该史宾斯基共振器之传输特性被提升,计算并分析其品质因素值。To qualify the transmission enhancement in the proposed Sierpinski square resonators , the quality factor Q is also calculated.

利用解析方法分析了基座变形对微梁共振器固有频率的影响。The effect of base structural deformation on inherent frequency of a microbeam resonator is analyzed by using analytical method.

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量子点产生的放射能量转换成电浆子,再透过电浆子共振器加以放大。Radiative energy from the quantum dots would be transformed into plasmons, which would then be amplified in a plasmonic resonator.

把微包括一个活跃的增益介质和Q开关,扩展反对结束之间的纵向面临的微共振器。The microresonator includes an active gain medium and a Q-switch that extend lengthwise between the opposed end faces of the microresonator.

本论文又利用第二阶及第三阶之史宾斯基共振器提出了一系列的直接耦合带通滤波器。The thesis also presents a series of direct-coupled bandpass filters are designed by 2nd order Sierpinski resonators and 3rd order Sierpinski resonators.

为了减少双工的体积大小,我们采用步阶阻抗共振器将两滤波器相结合,经由此方法可以将八个共振器缩减为六个共振器。To reduce the diplexer size, stepped impedance resonators are adopted in the diplexer design. Through this way the eight resonators can be reduced to six.

量子比特和存储器之间通过为我们称为共振器件的设备连接,振荡电路使量子比特的值能够保存一段短的时间。The links between the qubits and the memory contain devices known as resonators, zigzagging circuits inside which a qubit's value can live on for a short time.

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Mariantoni同意这一点,”我们能够很容易的扩展这类单元的数量“,”我相信共振器阵列能够代表未来利用集成电路实现的量子计算。"We can easily scale the number of these unit cells, " he says. "I believe that arrays of resonators will represent the future of quantum computing with integrated circuits."

为了更进一步缩小转接的尺寸,我们使用步阶阻抗共振器来取代四分之一波长转换器。Besides, in order to further reduce the transition size, we take advantage of the quarter-wavelength SIR to replace the quarter-wavelength transformers in the previous designs.

另一是使用压力脉动消减器,如末端封闭的支管、膨胀室、气室、亥姆霍兹共振器、蓄能器……等。The other way is to apply a pressure fluctuation absorber, such as a branch pipeline with closed ends, an air chamber, an expansion chamber, a Helmholts resonator, an accumulator.

利用等效弹性法分析了压电矩形共振器的二维耦合振动,导出了振子共振频率的解析表达式。Based on the equivalent elasticity method, the plane coupling vibration of a rectangular piezoelectric ceramic plate was studied and the resonant frequency equation was derived out.

微带线2。散射参数3。介电材料4。共振器5。平行耦合线6。耦合器7。分配器8。平面滤波器9。平面天线英文概述。English Description 1. Microstrip line 2. Scattering parameters 3. Dielectric materials 4. Resonators 5. Parallel coupled lines 6. Couplers 7. Dividers 8. Planar Filters 9. Planar antennas.

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而静电纺纤维的多孔结构可以看做许多亥姆霍兹共振器的组合,能通过共振大幅吸收各种频率,特别是常规吸声材料难以吸收的低频波段的能量,同时大大提高了吸声频率的带宽。Through this ability, which is also based on the resonance effect of nanofibrous layer damped in fibrous nonwoven web, it surpasses to date known materials in sound absorption of low frequency.

分析了低噪声沥青混凝土路面降低轮胎噪声的机理,建立低噪声沥青混凝土路面的声学模型,用亥姆霍兹共振器模型分析计算了声波的共振频率。The mechanism for low noise asphalt pavement to lower tyre noise is analyzed. A acoustical model is put forward. The resonance frequency of sound wave is analyzed with Helmholtz resonator model.