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曳光弹是双向作用的。Tracers work both ways.

用曳光弹找到目标。Use Tracer Bullets to Find the Target.

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曳光弹就落在我们的阳台上。Tracer bullets landed on our balconies.

我看到有很多曳光弹朝我们打过来,但没有看到一颗有命中的。I saw a lot of inbound tracer, but never saw a hit.

穿甲弹、烧夷弹或曳光弹在IPSC竞赛中是明令禁止的。Metal piercing, incendiary or tracer ammunition is prohibited from IPSC competitions.

接着坦克上前开火,石龙子也加入了他们,以每秒三十发的射速发射高爆燃烧曳光弹来支援战斗。Then the tanks would move up and fire, the Skink joining them and firing about 30 HEIT rounds per second.

另有激光、雷达、导弹告警系统,脉冲干扰机、干扰物/曳光弹发射器和抗干扰无线电台。And there are laser, radar, missle warning systems, pulse jamming, chaff and flare dispensers, countermeasure radio system.

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其他战场报告显示20mm高爆燃烧曳光弹的连射对敌军占领的建筑物或灌木树篱非常有效。Other field reports described the effects of a burst of 20mm HEIT rounds directed at enemy-occupied buildings or hedgerows.

由于使用了高爆燃烧曳光弹,石龙子在对建筑物进行射击时体现出了极高的价值,可以迫使敌军离开建筑去到开阔地域。Using HEIT ammunition, the Skink proved most valuable in setting fire to buildings, thus forcing the enemy out into the open.

无人机在它的内舱携带二条瞄准飘带并能配备曳光弹和闪光灯用于夜间训练。The drone carries two target sleeves inside its cabin and can be fitted with light tracers and strobe lights for night training.

选择项包括箔条和曳光弹发射装置,导弹发射探测系统和夜视兼容的驾驶座舱照明。Select items, including flakes and tracer launcher, missile launch detection system and night vision compatible cockpit lighting.

卤化锶、硝酸锶和氯酸锶极易挥发,并能使火焰呈亮猩红色,用于各种照明弹、烟花和曳光弹中。The nitrate and chlorate, very volatile, give off brilliant crimson flames and are used in flares, fireworks, and tracer bullets.

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装置布撒多种诱骗曳光弹和箔条对抗任何导弹导向机载该装置的飞机,因此增加飞机的生存力。The device dispenses a variety of decoy flares and chaff to counter any homing of a missile to the carrier aircraft, hence increasing the aircraft's survivability.

庆祝的枪声和爆炸声响彻整个城市,汽车鸣笛,聚集到街头。头顶,红色的曳光弹飞向漆黑的夜空。Celebratory gunfire and explosions rang out over the city and cars blaring their horns crowded onto the streets. Overhead, red tracer bullets darted into a black sky.

这位官员说,随着天色越来越黑,海盗“向班布里奇”发射了一颗曳光弹,一步步使事件升级。Just as it was getting dark, pirates fired a tracer bullet "toward the Bainbridge", further heightening the sense that the incident was ratcheting up, the official said.

欧洲台风战斗机的箔条和曳光弹辅助防御系统包括布撒器,可以释放红外曳光弹击毁热寻的导弹,释放箔条干扰雷达制导导弹。The Eurofighter's Chaff and Flare Defensive Aids System comprises dispensers which release infrared flares to defeat heat seeking missiles and chaff to disrupt radar guided missiles.

欧洲台风战斗机的箔条和曳光弹辅助防御系统包括布撒器,可以释放红外曳光弹击毁热寻的导弹,释放箔条干扰雷达制导导弹。The Eurofighter’s Chaff and Flare Defensive Aids System comprises dispensers which release infrared flares to defeat heat seeking missiles and chaff to disrupt radar guided missiles.