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男性还是女性?MorF Male or Female?

这招女性也适用哦。And women also notice.

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其他女性都是假装的。All the others fake it.

苏格拉底是女性主义吗?Is Socrates a feminist?

他们对446位女性做了一个实验。They studied 446 women.

我们了解这群女性吗?Do we know these -women?

作为女性,只要买花给丈夫就可以了。Women, just buy flowers.

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这些女性年龄层次在20-50之间。The age is between 20-50.

女性活得那么骄气十足。Women live so proud full.

花蕾似的女性是神圣的。Woman in the bud is sacred.

女性是否过于热衷于分享?Do women tend to over-share?

她是个爱虚荣的女性。She is a vainglorious woman.

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她是一位非常坚强的女性。She was a very strong woman.

但在我看来花木兰只是一位女性。I think Hua Mulan is a woman.

为何女性会有随意性行为?Why do women have casual sex?

女性性冷淡能治愈吗?Female frigidity can be cured?

秘鲁莫希女性木乃伊之墓The Moche woman's tomb in Peru

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究竟可考的女性印人有哪些?How many seal-woman were there?

新盔甲包括女性网。New armors include female mesh.

她是如假包换的英国女性。She is really an English woman.