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哈雷彗星,1910Halley's Comet, 1910

一张拍摄于1986年的哈雷彗星照片。An image of Halley's Comet taken in 1986.

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在所有彗星中最有名的是哈雷彗星。The most famous comet of all is Halley's Comet.

我认识相当多见过哈雷彗星的人。I have met quite a lot of people who saw Halley's Comet.

历史上最著名的彗星叫作哈雷彗星。The most famous comet in history is called Halley's comet.

在1986年与哈雷彗星擦肩而过并拍下了其核心。brushed past the hidden nucleus of Halley's comet in 1986.

有一次我们听说哈雷彗星下一个星期六将飞回来,我急切地想看到它。I was eagerly looking forward to having a look at the comet.

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1910年哈雷彗星的回归是非常棒的一件事情。The 1910 return of Halley's Comet was particularly great one.

每年十月地球穿过与哈雷彗星轨道。Earth crosses the orbit of Halley's Comet annually in October.

如果流星来源于哈雷彗星,那么为什么会叫猎户座流星群呢?If the meteors originate in Comet Halley, why are they called the Orionids?

他们指着驶过天空的红色贝林戈,就好像它是哈雷彗星似地。They point at the red Berlingo driving across the sky as though it were Halley's Comet.

他们指着驶过天空的红色贝林戈,就好像它是哈雷彗星似地。They point at the red Berlingo driving across the sky as though it were Halley’s Comet.

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在中国古代哪本编年史书中留下了关于哈雷彗星最早的记载?Which annalistic style book in ancient China leaving the earliest record about Halley's Comet?

流星雨是哈雷彗星在穿越地球大气层时掉落的碎片在汽化而成的。The meteors are debris from this comet that enter Earth's atmosphere and vaporize as they fall.

哈雷彗星是否故意在下一个75年呼啸而过之前在天文望远镜前摆好姿势?Does Halley’s comet intentionally pose for the telescopes before whizzing off for another 75 years?

1910年5月,全美国人民都笼罩在一片对哈雷彗星的恐慌之下,如处于太空时代般躁动不安。And in May of 1910 folks all over the nation were in a space-age state of turmoil over Halley's Comet.

哈雷彗星的平均运行周期是76.01年,过近日点日期上一次发生在1986年,下一次将出现在2061年。Halley's Comet with average run cycle 76.01 years passed through perihelion last time in 1986, the next will appear in 2061.

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水瓶座的能量现在可衡量的,哈雷彗星,精力星球变造的第三十三届通道,意识加快。Aquarian energies now measurable, thirty-third passage of Halley's Comet, energy on planet alters, consciousness accelerates.

有些人可能在一九五七年看过两颗彗星,也有一些人可能年纪大得曾经看过一九一○年哈雷彗星的出现。Some people probably saw the two in 1957, and some may even be old enough to have seen the 1910 appearance of Halley's Comet.

但是针对哈雷彗星和其他五颗彗星的观测结果给这一结论大泼冷水。But measurements of Halley's Comet and five others threw cold water on the idea that comets provided a large share of the oceans.