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请问你们有龙井茶吗?。Do you have any Longjing tea, please?

龙井茶是杭州特产。Longjing tea is a specialty of Hangzhou.

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给我沏一壶龙井茶好吗?。Would you infuse a kettleofLongjing tea?

结果发现,龙井茶的销售存在很多问题。It was found that Longjing tea sales problems.

这种茶质量上乘。我更喜欢龙井茶。This tea is of top quality. I prefer Longjing.

你可以简单介绍一下西湖龙井茶吗?Can you tell me something about West Lake Longjing Tea?

此外,西湖的周边地区是著名的龙井茶之乡。Besides, the area of West Lake is the home of the famous.

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狮峰山上的龙井为龙井茶中之上品。Lion Peak Mountain Longjing Longjing tea in the top grade.

我昨天刚买了些龙井茶,你尝尝看。I bought some "Longjing Tea" yesterday, why don't you have some?

用紫砂茶壶沏泡龙井茶,可使其更具有中国风味。Longjing tea Brewed in a red teapot has a stronger Chinese flavour.

这是一种特殊的绿茶,名叫龙井茶,来自浙江省。BIt's a special green tea named Longjing Tea from Zhejiang province.

这是有名的龙井茶,我从中国带来的。It's the famous Longjing tea. I brought it with me all the way from China.

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他们认为龙井茶色泽翠绿,香气馥郁,甘醇爽口。They saw Longjing tea is pure and fragrant and has a sweetish and mellow taste.

在中国有许多种茶,其中龙井茶是世界著名的。There are many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world.

龙井茶和鲜虾的组合使得这道美食的口感非常独特。The combination of Longjing tea shoots and fresh prawns makes the dish a unique tasty treat.

龙井茶是中国最好的绿茶之一,是富有买家的宠儿。The Longjing tea is one of China's best green teas. It has been a favourite among wealthy buyers.

当然有了.绿茶的种植历史最长.产量和种类都排名第一.茶水清新芳香.龙井茶和云雾茶属于这一种.Surely there are. The green tea has the longest history and ranks first in the output and variety.

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西湖龙井是我国历史悠久的名优茶叶品牌,但是近些年来,西湖龙井茶的发展状况堪忧。The West Lake Dragon Well tea is famous in China , but it develop not very well now. it sells bad.

杭州西湖的龙井茶很有名。人们喜爱这种新鲜而又具有自然香味的茶叶。Longjing Tea from the West Lake in Hangzhou is famous. People like its freshness and natural fragrance.

属于不发酵茶,绿茶的一个种类,龙井茶原产自浙江杭州。Long Jin Tea is a kind of non-fermented Tea, which originally produced in Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province.