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她吟诵我的诗。She recited my poems.

能听到你吟诵会是我们的荣幸。We will be very lucky to have it here.

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是波光影调吟诵的十四行诗。Is a sonnet chanted by glistening waves.

再次吟诵修改过的对白并计时。Recite your re-worked dialogue and time it.

她用英语吟诵莎士比亚的作品。She gives recitations from Shakespeare in English.

移动朗诵者是一个移动电话古兰经吟诵。MobileReciter is a Quran Reciter for mobile phones.

大声吟诵对白同时用秒表计时。Say the dialogue out loud and time it with a stopwatch.

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院子里,一个嘶哑的女低音在吟诵赞美诗。Out in the yard a woman's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn.

在奥芬堡的市镇里,一名来自绿党的抗议者不停的吟诵着口号。In the town of Offenburg, a Green protester intones a mantra.

我也在她的耳边吟诵了刚才和姐姐同样的诗。Iwhispered in her ear the same poem I had recited to her sister.

歌词也经常被用英文、德文和拉丁文吟诵。And the lyrics are frequently recite in English, German and Latin.

儿童诗适合儿童倾听、吟诵和阅读。Children's poetry is good for children to listen, recite and read.

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“哦穆巴拉克,哦苏莱曼,我们以前听说过”,他们吟诵道。“Oh Mubarak, oh Suleiman, we have heard that before,” they chanted.

每天晚上米尔德里德都会一边注视那盏星星灯,一边吟诵祷词。Every night Mildred would say he prayers while gazing out at that star.

俳句是日本诗的一种古老的形式。通常俳句是吟诵自然的。Haiku is an old form of Japanese poetry. Usually Haikus are about nature.

“如果你受不了这种热,那就请从厨房出去”,解说员这样吟诵。"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen", the narrator intoned.

在这段时间里,部族的老人们会吟诵故事和诗歌,将它们传给下一代。It is this time of year that elders talk and pass on their stories and poetry.

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因此在大主教劳德的淫威下,只有官方的礼拜时能够在教堂里被吟诵。So under Archbishop Laud, only the official liturgy could be recited in church.

在中国的职业联盟比赛里,球迷经常在体育场如颂歌般吟诵,“谢亚龙下课!”At soccer games in China, fans in stadiums often chant, “Xie Yalong must resign!”

唐代大诗人李白不经意的吟诵,把我们带进人间仙境。Such a causal poetry of the great poet Li Bai has brought us into a heaven on earth.