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我这下子可以高枕无忧了。And I'll get to sleep at night.

问心无愧,高枕无忧。A clear conscience is a soft pillow.

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但是胡主席远没有因此而高枕无忧。But President Hu Jintao will still be worrying.

但他很快就放心,他可以高枕无忧。But he was quickly assured that he could rest easy.

是否有了学位就能让你高枕无忧,远离裁员呢?Will having a degree insulate you from getting laid off?

把骨灰扔到水里,不死僵尸终于被被消灭了,你就可以高枕无忧了。Throw the ashes into some water and rest easy, knowing the undead is undone.

所以,无论你在药房的柜台还是实验室,你都可以高枕无忧了。So whether you're behind the pharmacy counter or in the lab, you can rest easy.

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您的整个运行环境亦可赖于HP卓越的技术支持而高枕无忧。You can also rely on outstanding HP support services for your whole environment.

将火柴或点火器放在里面并在顶部打上结,那么你便可高枕无忧了。Matches or starting tender can be placed inside and the top tied to secure it all.

您可能会发现如果你襁褓您的宝宝,他或她每晚都可以高枕无忧。You might find that if you swaddle your baby he or she will sleep better at night.

然而,吸烟者看了这项发现以后,不要以为吃完蔬菜沙拉再吸烟便可高枕无忧。The findings shouldn't however, give smokers free reign to light up after eating a salad.

无论是否停止服药,女性在妊娠期内没有并发症绝不意味着可以高枕无忧了。A complication-free pregnancy with or without medication doesn't mean a woman is in the clear.

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孤独而匆忙的纽约人这个情人节可以高枕无忧了,因为恋爱教练来了。Lonely but hurried New Yorkers can rest easy this Valentine's Day -- the love coach is on her way.

在开发更好的电子阅读设备领域这竞争才刚刚开始,当然,亚马逊的成功远远没有达到可以高枕无忧的地步。The race to build a better e-reader is just getting started, of course, and Amazon's success is far from assured.

但是时常被视为远离公众视线的有组织犯罪仍然可以高枕无忧,隔岸观火。But organised crime, often hidden from public view, may well continue to take a back seat to more obvious nuisances.

然而,这一切并非预示着美艺院所长詹姆斯•坤诺可以从此高枕无忧、坐等未来蜂拥的游客。Yet this hardly means that James Cuno, the institute's director, can sit back, relax and observe the coming throngs.

它有完善的售前培训、售后服务、技术支持等机制让你高枕无忧。It has a comprehensive pre-training, after-sales service, technical support and other mechanisms allow you to sit back and relax.

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这个靠着大树好乘凉的代工企业,依旧不能高枕无忧。This recumbent had established the acting industry company that enjoy the cool greatly, as before cannot have nothing worry about.

夏天从此告别蚊香与杀虫剂,高枕无忧你会睡得更安稳,身体更健康!Since then bid farewell to summer, mosquito coils and pesticides, sit back and relax you will sleep more stable, more physical health!

在任何行业中,不管企业经营的多么成功,领导人都不会有高枕无忧的日子。No matter how successful or seemingly secure any business appears, there are no longer periods of calm seas for leaders in any industry.