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这码子事跟我没关系。That doesn't concern me.

经过两个月的约会后,他们决定做那码子的事。After two-month dating, they decided to go all the way.

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这是两码子事,不能混为一谈!These are two different things. You can't confuse the two!

他无休止的抱怨,说来说去全是同一码子事。His endless complaints are all variations on the same thing.

这是两码子的事。我要娶的这个女孩子可不会跟我干仗。That ain't anything. The girl I'm going to marry won't fight.

如果你真的喜欢这种款式,我可以给你找一个合适的码子。If you really like this style, I'll find the right size for you.

生孩子跟结婚基本上是两码子事。Well, having babies and marrying are not, necessarily, the same thing.

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保持怀疑和挑毛病完全是两码子事。Being skeptical and seeking faults are two completely different things.

使用频率最高密码子为NNA,使用频率最低的密码子为NNG。The most frequently used codons were NNA and the most infrequently were NNG.

一个氨基酸对应不止一个密码子,由三碱基所构成的密码子There's just more sequences in a three unit codon than I need for the amino acids.

为了让灵魂有存在空间,从一开头就要区别出来,女人跟灵魂是两码子事。So that the soul may come into being, woman is differentiated from it right from the beginning.

该模板包含一个索引页和九编码子页面让您的网站快速启动和运行。This template includes an index page and nine coded sub pages to get your site up and running fast.

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这个数字多用表新版本将采用与自由和开放源码子弹物理引擎集成。This new version of DMM will feature integration with the free and open source Bullet Physics engine.

但是他检视性的驱力时,佛洛伊德相当清楚地告诉我们,爱恨交加及彼此翻转,完全是两码子事。But when he examines it, he tells us quite clearly that ambivalence and reversion are not at all the same thing.

一家安全套推销商在测量了2,500个男士的那话儿之后发现,大多数德国的男人用的安全套码子不对。Most German men wear condoms of the wrong size, a condom distributor said on Wednesday, after asking more than 2,500 men to measure their erect penis.

RNA是按每三个碱基组成一个密码子,进行翻译的,在这幅动画中所画的mRNA,就是按三个碱基一组的方式来描绘的You know that messenger RNA is read in three base units called codons, and so this particular piece of messenger RNA is drawn in this cartoon in three base pair units.

即使由于你正在计划改变自己的身材而使得在此时买衣服成为一种浪费,但这样做却可以增强这样一种意识,即自己能够适合任何款式和码子。Even if it seems wasteful to buy clothes when you are planning on changing your body size, doing so will reinforce the idea that you are worthwhile at any size or shape.

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再者,我们也无法计算「终止密码子」的疏水性数值,因此我们在所有可能的密码系统中,也保留原版的终止密码子而未加以更动。Moreover, it is impossible to put a hydrophobicity value on the codons assigned to the "stop" signal, so we kept their number and codon assignments the same in all alternative codes.

政府承认在此过程中资金流失到了中间商的口袋中与此同时,声称我们“我们需要采取一个审慎的眼光来开放零售业”但是需要采取和采取可是两码子事。The government acknowledges the money lost to middlemen and declares that we “need to take a firm view on opening up of retail trade”. But saying you need to take a view is not the same as taking one.

而我们都经历过这码子事,我们都明白那是不道德的人才看,我们本应继续驶离,就像苏格拉底会说的,“管好你自己的事“,但同时我们就算是违意,仍不得不看,并满脑子想着要看。And we've all been in this, where we know that it's shameful to look at this, just drive on, as Socrates would say " "mind your own business," and yet at the same time we feel, even against our will, compelled to look and think about that.